Source code for scripts.engine.core.hourglass
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
from snecs.typedefs import EntityID
import scripts.engine.core.matter
from scripts.engine.core import query
from scripts.engine.core.component import Tracked
from scripts.engine.internal import library
from import store
from scripts.engine.internal.event import EndRoundEvent, EndTurnEvent, event_hub, NewRoundEvent, NewTurnEvent
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple
############ ACTIONS ##################
[docs]def rebuild_turn_queue(entity_to_exclude: Optional[EntityID] = None):
Build a new turn queue that includes all timed entities. entity_to_exclude is one that should not be added
to the queue. Usually used in relation to deletion.
logging.debug(f"Building a new turn queue...")
# create a turn queue from the entities list
new_queue = {}
for entity, (
) in query.active_and_tracked:
if entity != entity_to_exclude:
assert isinstance(tracked, Tracked)
new_queue[entity] = tracked.time_spent
# did we actually allocate to anyone?
if not new_queue:
# add player to queue
new_queue[scripts.engine.core.matter.get_player()] = get_time()
# get the next entity in the queue and set as new turn holder
# log result
logging.debug(f"-> New queue built: {_get_pretty_queue()}")
[docs]def next_turn(entity_to_exclude: Optional[EntityID] = None):
Proceed to the next turn, setting the next entity to act as the turn holder and updating the passage of time.
Posts NEW_TURN event.
""""Moving to the next turn...")
# update the queue
# get next entity in queue
turn_holder = get_turn_holder()
# whats the difference between current time and when they last acted?
tracked = scripts.engine.core.matter.get_entitys_component(turn_holder, Tracked)
if tracked:
next_entity_time = tracked.time_spent
next_entity_time = get_time_of_last_turn() # turn holder should always have Tracked but handle if they dont
time_progressed = next_entity_time - get_time_of_last_turn()
# add the difference to the time
# check if we need to set new round
time_per_round = library.GAME_CONFIG.default_values.time_per_round
if get_time_in_round() + time_progressed >= time_per_round:
# add progressed time and minus time_in_round to keep the remaining time
set_time_in_round((get_time_in_round() + time_progressed) - time_per_round)
set_time_in_round(get_time_in_round() + time_progressed)
# post game event
# log new turn holder
name = scripts.engine.core.matter.get_name(turn_holder)
logging.debug(f"-> Current time is {get_time()}. We are {get_time_in_round()} TU`s into round {get_round()}.")
logging.debug(f"-> '{name}' is now the turn holder.")
[docs]def end_turn(entity: EntityID, time_spent: int):
Spend an entities time, progress time, move to next acting entity in queue. Posts END_TURN event.
N.B. If entity given is NOT the turn holder then nothing happens.
if entity == get_turn_holder():
scripts.engine.core.matter.spend_time(entity, time_spent)
# post game event
f"Tried to end {scripts.engine.core.matter.get_name(entity)}'s turn but they're not turn holder."
[docs]def next_round():
Move to the next round. Posts NEW_ROUND event.
# post game event
# increment rounds
_increment_round_number()"It is now round {get_round()}.")
[docs]def end_round():
Posts END_ROUND event.
# post game event
def _increment_round_number():
Increment the round by 1
store.round += 1
def _add_time(time_to_add: int):
Add to the current time
store.time += time_to_add
############# GET ###################
[docs]def get_turn_holder() -> EntityID:
Get the entity who has the current turn
return store.turn_holder
[docs]def get_previous_turn_holder() -> EntityID:
Get the entity who had the last turn
return store.previous_turn_holder
[docs]def get_turn_queue() -> Dict[EntityID, int]:
Get the turn queue
return store.turn_queue
[docs]def get_time_in_round() -> int:
Get current time in the current round
return store.round_time
[docs]def get_time() -> int:
Get the current time
return store.time
[docs]def get_time_of_last_turn() -> int:
Get the time of the last turn
return store.time_of_last_turn
[docs]def get_time_left_in_round() -> int:
Get the amount of time left in the current round
return library.GAME_CONFIG.default_values.time_per_round - get_time_in_round()
[docs]def get_round() -> int:
Get the current round
return store.round
def _get_pretty_queue() -> List[Tuple[str, int]]:
queue = []
for entity, time in get_turn_queue().items():
name = scripts.engine.core.matter.get_name(entity)
queue.append((name, time))
return queue
def _get_next_entity_in_queue() -> EntityID:
queue = get_turn_queue()
next_entity = min(queue, key=queue.get) # type: ignore
return next_entity
############# SET ###################
[docs]def set_turn_holder(active_entity: EntityID):
Set the entity who has the current turn
store.turn_holder = active_entity
[docs]def set_previous_turn_holder(entity: EntityID):
Set the entity who had the last turn
store.previous_turn_holder = entity
[docs]def set_time_in_round(time: int):
Set current time in the current round
store.round_time = time
[docs]def set_turn_queue(queue: Dict[EntityID, int]):
Set the turn queue
store.turn_queue = queue
[docs]def set_time_of_last_turn(time: int):
Set the time of the last turn
store.time_of_last_turn = time