Source code for scripts.nqp.ui_elements.blessing_menu

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import random
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pygame
from pygame_gui.core import ObjectID
from pygame_gui.core import UIElement as PygameUiElement
from pygame_gui.elements import UIImage, UITextBox, UIVerticalScrollBar, UIButton
from scripts.engine.core import utility
import scripts.engine.core.matter
from scripts.engine.widgets.window import Window
from scripts.engine.internal.constant import ASSET_PATH, GAP_SIZE, ICON_SIZE, GameState
from scripts.engine.internal.action import Skill, SkillModifier
from import store
from scripts.engine.core.component import Knowledge
from scripts.engine.core import state
from scripts.nqp.actions.blessing import MoveFast, NoMove, AttackMove, Aftershock, SaltTheWound, KeepAnEvenKeel

    from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union, Type

    from pygame_gui import UIManager

[docs]class BlessingMenu(Window): """ A menu for adding blessings. """
[docs] def __init__(self, rect: pygame.Rect, manager: UIManager, blessings: List[SkillModifier]): # assigned blessings self.blessings = blessings # sections self.sections: List[PygameUiElement] = [] self.section_base_positions: List[int] = [] # button tracking self.apply_buttons: List[Tuple[Type[Skill], SkillModifier, UIButton]] = [] # complete base class init super().__init__(rect, manager, object_id=ObjectID("#blessing_menu", "@menu_window")) #self.set_dimensions((rect.width, rect.height)) # setup scroll bar self.scrollbar_width = 50 self.scrollbar_size = 0.3 self.scrollbar = UIVerticalScrollBar( pygame.Rect((rect.width - self.scrollbar_width, 0), (self.scrollbar_width, rect.height)), self.scrollbar_size, manager, self, self, "#scrollbar", ) # block mouse clicks outside of menu self.set_blocking(True) # show self # confirm init complete logging.debug(f"Blessing menu initialized.")
def _shift_children(self, target_y): for i, child in enumerate(self.sections): child.set_relative_position((child.relative_rect.x, self.section_base_positions[i] - target_y))
[docs] def update(self, time_delta: float): super().update(time_delta) new_y_portion = self.scrollbar.scroll_position / self.scrollbar.bottom_limit / (1 - self.scrollbar_size) if self.sections != []: if ( self.section_base_positions[-1] + self.sections[-1].relative_rect.height > self.rect.height - self.section_base_positions[0] ): new_y = new_y_portion * ( self.section_base_positions[-1] + self.sections[-1].relative_rect.height - (self.rect.height - self.section_base_positions[0]) + 30 # the +30 accounts for a bug in window sizes from pygame_gui ) self._shift_children(new_y) for button in self.apply_buttons: if button[2].check_pressed(): player = scripts.engine.core.matter.get_player() knowledge = scripts.engine.core.matter.get_entitys_component(player, Knowledge) knowledge.add_blessing(button[0], button[1]) state.set_new(GameState.GAME_MAP) self.kill()
[docs] def show(self): """ fill in later """ super().show() self.visible = True # clear to refresh first self.cleanse() if 1: info: List[Tuple[str, Union[str, pygame.Surface]]] = [] current_y = 0 width = self.rect.width - self.scrollbar_width for blessing in self.blessings: current_y = self._create_blessing_section(current_y, blessing) #info.append(("text", "Please select a blessing.")) #info.append(("image", section_break_image)) # create the box for the info #self._create_sections(info) # refresh scrollbar self.scrollbar.redraw_scrollbar()
def _create_blessing_section(self, current_y, blessing): # get the break image section_break_image = utility.get_image( ASSET_PATH / "ui/menu_window_n_repeat.png", (self.rect.width - self.scrollbar_width, 13) ) width = self.rect.width - self.scrollbar_width # blessing name rect = pygame.Rect((0, current_y), (width, 0)) ui_text = UITextBox(, relative_rect=rect, manager=self.ui_manager, wrap_to_height=True, layer_starting_height=1, container=self.get_container(), ) self.sections.append(ui_text) self.section_base_positions.append(ui_text.relative_rect.y) current_y += ui_text.rect.height + GAP_SIZE # blessing description rect = pygame.Rect((0, current_y), (width, 0)) ui_text = UITextBox( html_text=blessing.description, relative_rect=rect, manager=self.ui_manager, wrap_to_height=True, layer_starting_height=1, container=self.get_container(), ) self.sections.append(ui_text) self.section_base_positions.append(ui_text.relative_rect.y) current_y += ui_text.rect.height + GAP_SIZE # button section player = scripts.engine.core.matter.get_player() knowledge = scripts.engine.core.matter.get_entitys_component(player, Knowledge) for skill in knowledge.skills.values(): if knowledge.can_add_blessing(skill, blessing): # blessing can be applied to this skill, so add a button for it apply_button = UIButton( relative_rect=pygame.Rect((5, current_y), (width - 10, 40)), text=skill.__name__, manager=self.ui_manager, container=self.get_container(), ) self.sections.append(apply_button) self.section_base_positions.append(apply_button.relative_rect.y) self.apply_buttons.append((skill, blessing, apply_button)) current_y += apply_button.rect.height + GAP_SIZE # create rect and image element image_rect = pygame.Rect((0, current_y), (section_break_image.get_width(), section_break_image.get_height())) ui_image = UIImage( relative_rect=image_rect, image_surface=section_break_image, manager=self.ui_manager, container=self.get_container(), ) self.sections.append(ui_image) self.section_base_positions.append(ui_image.relative_rect.y) # update position current_y += section_break_image.get_height() + GAP_SIZE return current_y
[docs] def cleanse(self): """ Cleanse existing section info. """ # kill the box and clear the reference for element in self.sections: element.kill() self.sections = []
def _create_sections(self, info: List[Tuple[str, Union[str, pygame.Surface]]]): """ Create sections for the information about the tile """ sections = [] section_base_positions = [] current_y = 0 current_text_block = "" # draw info x = 0 width = self.rect.width - self.scrollbar_width text_height = 0 # box will resize height anyway # loop each image provided and use as header for each group of info for type_str, text_or_image in info: # build current text block if type_str == "text": assert isinstance(text_or_image, str) # handle mypy error current_text_block += text_or_image + "<br>" elif type_str == "image": assert isinstance(text_or_image, pygame.Surface) # handle mypy error # if we have text in the previous block, show it if current_text_block: ## Display text rect = pygame.Rect((x, current_y), (width, text_height)) ui_text = UITextBox( html_text=current_text_block, relative_rect=rect, manager=self.ui_manager, wrap_to_height=True, layer_starting_height=1, container=self.get_container(), ) sections.append(ui_text) section_base_positions.append(ui_text.relative_rect.y) # update position current_y += ui_text.rect.height + GAP_SIZE # clear to prevent any carry over ui_text = None current_text_block = "" ## Display image # draw info image_width = text_or_image.get_width() image_height = text_or_image.get_height() # if image is the icon_path then draw centre, otherwise draw left if image_width == ICON_SIZE: draw_x = int((self.rect.width / 2) - (image_width / 2)) else: draw_x = 0 # create rect and image element image_rect = pygame.Rect((draw_x, current_y), (image_width, image_height)) ui_image = UIImage( relative_rect=image_rect, image_surface=text_or_image, manager=self.ui_manager, container=self.get_container(), ) sections.append(ui_image) section_base_positions.append(ui_image.relative_rect.y) # update position current_y += image_height + GAP_SIZE # clear to prevent any carry over ui_image = None # we've left the loop, clean up left over text if current_text_block: ## Display text rect = pygame.Rect((x, current_y), (width, text_height)) ui_text = UITextBox( html_text=current_text_block, relative_rect=rect, manager=self.ui_manager, wrap_to_height=True, layer_starting_height=1, container=self.get_container(), ) sections.append(ui_text) section_base_positions.append(ui_text.relative_rect.y) # update main sections list self.sections = sections self.section_base_positions = section_base_positions
[docs] def process_close_button(self): state.set_new(GameState.GAME_MAP)
# post game event