Source code for scripts.nqp.ui_elements.message_log
from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import pygame
from pygame.math import Vector2
from pygame.rect import Rect
from pygame_gui.core import ObjectID
from pygame_gui.elements import UITextBox
from scripts.engine.internal.constant import RenderLayer
from scripts.engine.widgets.panel import Panel
import pygame_gui
__all__ = ["MessageLog"]
[docs]class MessageLog(Panel):
Hold text relating to the game's events, to display to the player. This should be a log of all notable things
that have happened. It is recommended that all messages are in the past tense.
[docs] def __init__(self, rect: Rect, manager: pygame_gui.ui_manager.UIManager):
self.text_size = 4
# hold state info
self.text = ""
self.text_box = None
# complete base class init
object_id=ObjectID("#message_log", "@menu_window"),
anchors={"left": "left", "right": "right", "top": "bottom", "bottom": "bottom"},
self.text_box = self._create_text_box()
self.add_message("Welcome to Not Quite Paradise!")
# confirm init complete
logging.debug(f"MessageLog initialised.")
def _create_text_box(self) -> UITextBox:
Create the text box to show the messages
rect = pygame.Rect((0, 0), (self.rect.width - 4, self.rect.height - 4)) # small numbers to allow for border
textbox = UITextBox(
return textbox
# noinspection PyArgumentList,PyArgumentList
[docs] def add_message(self, message: str):
Add message to the message log. Formatting the text is done via a subset of HTML tags. Currently supported
tags are:
<b></b> or <strong></strong> - to encase bold styled text.
<i></i>, <em></em> or <var></var> - to encase italic styled text.
<u></u> - to encase underlined text.
<a href=’id’></a> - to encase ‘link’ text that can be clicked on to generate events with the id given in href.
<body bgcolor=’#FFFFFF’></body> - to change the background colour of encased text.
<br> - to start a new line.
<font face=’verdana’ color=’#000000’ size=3.5></font> - To set the font, colour and size of encased text.
col = "#ffffff"
self.text += f"<font face=cozette color={col} size={self.text_size}>{message}</font> <br>"
if self.text_box:
self.text_box = self._create_text_box()
# update the position of the text in the text box
# N.B. this is taken from the UIVerticalScrollBar update method
if self.text_box.scroll_bar:
scroll_bar = self.text_box.scroll_bar
scroll_bar.scroll_wheel_down = False
scroll_bar.scroll_position += 250.0 * 1
scroll_bar.scroll_position = min(
scroll_bar.scroll_position, scroll_bar.bottom_limit - scroll_bar.sliding_button.rect.height
x_pos = scroll_bar.rect.x + scroll_bar.shadow_width + scroll_bar.border_width
y_pos = (
+ scroll_bar.rect.y
+ scroll_bar.shadow_width
+ scroll_bar.border_width
+ scroll_bar.button_height
scroll_bar.sliding_button.set_position(Vector2(x_pos, y_pos))
scroll_bar.start_percentage = scroll_bar.scroll_position / scroll_bar.scrollable_height
if not scroll_bar.has_moved_recently:
scroll_bar.has_moved_recently = True