Source code for scripts.nqp.ui_elements.skill_bar

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pygame
import pygame_gui
from pygame.rect import Rect
from pygame_gui import UIManager
from pygame_gui.core import ObjectID
from pygame_gui.elements import UIButton

import scripts.engine.core.matter
from scripts.engine.core import utility, world
from scripts.engine.core.component import Knowledge
from scripts.engine.internal import library
from scripts.engine.internal.constant import (
from scripts.engine.widgets.panel import Panel

    from typing import List

__all__ = ["SkillBar"]

[docs]class SkillBar(Panel): """ Display and hold the info for the skills in the skill bar. """
[docs] def __init__(self, rect: Rect, manager: UIManager): self.button_events = { "skill_0": pygame.event.Event( EventType.INPUT, subtype=InputEventType.SKILL_BAR_CLICK, skill_intent=InputIntent.SKILL0 ), "skill_1": pygame.event.Event( EventType.INPUT, subtype=InputEventType.SKILL_BAR_CLICK, skill_intent=InputIntent.SKILL1 ), "skill_2": pygame.event.Event( EventType.INPUT, subtype=InputEventType.SKILL_BAR_CLICK, skill_intent=InputIntent.SKILL2 ), "skill_3": pygame.event.Event( EventType.INPUT, subtype=InputEventType.SKILL_BAR_CLICK, skill_intent=InputIntent.SKILL3 ), "skill_4": pygame.event.Event( EventType.INPUT, subtype=InputEventType.SKILL_BAR_CLICK, skill_intent=InputIntent.SKILL4 ), "skill_5": pygame.event.Event( EventType.INPUT, subtype=InputEventType.SKILL_BAR_CLICK, skill_intent=InputIntent.SKILL5 ), } self.buttons: List[UIButton] = [] self.button_start_x = GAP_SIZE self.button_start_y = GAP_SIZE self.button_width = SKILL_BUTTON_SIZE self.button_height = SKILL_BUTTON_SIZE self.space_between_buttons = GAP_SIZE # complete base class init super().__init__( rect, RenderLayer.UI_BASE, manager, object_id=ObjectID("#skill_bar", "@gui"), anchors={"left": "left", "right": "right", "top": "bottom", "bottom": "bottom"}, ) self._init_buttons() self.refresh_skills() # confirm init complete logging.debug(f"SkillBar initialised.")
[docs] def process_event(self, event: pygame.event.Event): super().process_event(event) # only progress for user events if event.type != pygame.USEREVENT: return if event.user_type == pygame_gui.UI_BUTTON_PRESSED: # Find out which button we are clicking button = event.ui_element # post the new event if button in self.buttons: # get the id ids = event.ui_object_id.split(".") button_id = ids[-1] # get last element new_event = self.button_events[button_id] logging.debug(f"SkillBar button '{ids}' was pressed.")
def _init_buttons(self): """ Init the buttons for the menu """ # extract values for performance start_x = self.button_start_x y = self.button_start_y info = self.button_events width = self.button_width height = self.button_height gap = self.space_between_buttons manager = self.ui_manager count = 0 for name in info.keys(): x = start_x + ((width + gap) * count) button = UIButton( relative_rect=Rect((x, y), (width, height)), text=f"{count + 1}", manager=manager, container=self, object_id=f"{name}", ) self.buttons.append(button) count += 1
[docs] def refresh_skills(self): """ Reload the player skills and assign the correct images. All buttons set to blank if player doesnt exist. """ blank_icon = pygame.Surface((ICON_SIZE, ICON_SIZE), pygame.SRCALPHA, 32) blank_icon = blank_icon.convert_alpha() try: player = scripts.engine.core.matter.get_player() knowledge = scripts.engine.core.matter.get_entitys_component(player, Knowledge) amount_known_skills = len(knowledge.skill_order) for count, button in enumerate(self.buttons): if count <= amount_known_skills - 1: icon = utility.get_image(library.SKILLS[knowledge.skill_order[count]].icon_path) else: icon = blank_icon self._set_skill_image(button, icon) except ValueError: # no player, load blank images for button in self.buttons: self._set_skill_image(button, blank_icon)
@staticmethod def _set_skill_image(button: UIButton, surface: pygame.Surface): """ Set the image for the skill """ button.normal_image = surface button.hovered_image = surface button.selected_image = surface button.rebuild()