Source code for scripts.nqp.ui_elements.tile_info

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import List, Tuple

import pygame
from pygame_gui import UIManager
from pygame_gui.core import ObjectID, UIElement
from pygame_gui.elements import UIImage, UITextBox

import scripts.engine.core.matter
from scripts.engine.core import query, world
from scripts.engine.core.component import Resources, Traits
from scripts.engine.internal.constant import GAP_SIZE, ICON_IN_TEXT_SIZE, RenderLayer
from scripts.engine.widgets.panel import Panel

__all__ = ["TileInfo"]

[docs]class TileInfo(Panel): """ Hold text relating to the game's events, to display to the player. """
[docs] def __init__(self, rect: pygame.Rect, manager: UIManager): self.selected_tile_pos: Tuple[int, int] = (0, 0) self.sections: List[UIElement] = [] self.text_size = 4 # complete base class init super().__init__( rect, RenderLayer.UI_BASE, manager, object_id=ObjectID("#tile_info", "@popup"), anchors={"left": "right", "right": "right", "top": "bottom", "bottom": "bottom"}, ) # show self # confirm init complete logging.debug(f"Tile Info initialised.")
[docs] def set_selected_tile_pos(self, tile_pos: Tuple[int, int]): """ Set the selected tile position to show the info for that tile. """ self.selected_tile_pos = tile_pos
[docs] def show(self): """ Show the tile info. Builds the sections required, after clearing any existing. Also triggers base class show method. """ super().show() # clear to refresh first self.cleanse() if self.selected_tile_pos: images = [] info = [] # get entities at selected position for entity, (position, identity, aesthetic) in query.position_and_identity_and_aesthetic: if self.selected_tile_pos in position: # get universal info images.append(aesthetic.sprites.icon) current_info = [] ## is it an entity with more useful info? # get resources resources = scripts.engine.core.matter.get_entitys_component(entity, Resources) if resources: current_info.append(f"Health: {}") current_info.append(f"Stamina: {resources.stamina}") # get traits (handle projectile exception) try: traits = scripts.engine.core.matter.get_entitys_component(entity, Traits) if traits: names = "" for name in traits.names: # if more than one trait add a separator if len(names) > 1: names += ", " names += f"{name}" current_info.append(names) except: pass # add collected info to main info info.append(current_info) # create the box for the info self._create_sections(images, info)
[docs] def cleanse(self): """ Cleanse existing section info. """ # kill the box and clear the reference for element in self.sections: element.kill() self.sections = []
def _create_sections(self, images: List[pygame.surface], info: List[List[str]]): """ Create sections for the information about the tile """ sections = [] current_y = 0 section_number = 0 # draw info centre_draw_x = int((self.rect.width / 2) - (ICON_IN_TEXT_SIZE / 2)) image_rect = pygame.Rect((centre_draw_x, 0), (ICON_IN_TEXT_SIZE, ICON_IN_TEXT_SIZE)) x = 0 width = self.rect.width text_height = 0 # box will resize height anyway # loop each image provided and use as header for each group of info # FIXME - hovering projectile breaks it due to not havign a surface (missing icon_path?) for image in images: # collect text for the section text = "" for line in info[section_number]: text += f"<font face=cozette size={self.text_size}>{line}</font> <br>" # create textbox rect = pygame.Rect((x, current_y), (width, text_height)) ui_text = UITextBox( html_text=text, relative_rect=rect, manager=self.ui_manager, wrap_to_height=True, layer_starting_height=1, container=self, ) sections.append(ui_text) ui_text = None # clear to prevent any carry over # create image _image = pygame.transform.scale(image, (ICON_IN_TEXT_SIZE, ICON_IN_TEXT_SIZE)) ui_image = UIImage(relative_rect=image_rect, image_surface=_image, manager=self.ui_manager, container=self) sections.append(ui_image) ui_image = None # clear to prevent any carry over # update position current_y += ICON_IN_TEXT_SIZE + GAP_SIZE # increment section section_number += 1 # update main sections list self.sections = sections