Content Guide

Almost all data is held in the external json files, certainly as much as is possible without limiting gameplay diversity. This is a guide on how to add new content to the game, broken down by content type.

Playable Traits

Create a new entry in the traits.json and ensure the group is not set to “npc”. That’s it!

One thing to note is that the known_skills must match the class name of a Skill registered with the engine. See the Action section for more details.


"dandy": {
    "__dataclass__": "TraitData",
    "bustle": 2,
    "clout": 2,
    "description": "Lounging around the taverns of the world they can always be found one word away from an indignant splutter and a grasp for their sword.",
    "exactitude": -1,
    "name": "irascible dandy",
    "sight_range": 5,
    "known_skills": [
    "permanent_afflictions": [
    "skullduggery": 1,
    "sprite_paths": {
        "__dataclass__": "TraitSpritePathsData",
        "idle": "actor/savvy/dandy_idle.png",
        "attack": "actor/savvy/dandy_attack.png",
        "hit": "actor/savvy/dandy_hit.png",
        "dead": "actor/savvy/dandy_dead.png",
        "icon": "actor/savvy/dandy_icon.png",
        "move": "actor/savvy/dandy_move.png"
    "vigour": -1

Actors (NPCs)

Create a new entry in traits.json and specify group as “npc”. Next, create an entry in actors.json and set the trait_names to include the key of the trait you just created. The behaviour_name must exactly match a Behaviour class registered with the engine. See the Action section for more information.

Trait example:

"dandy": {
    "__dataclass__": "TraitData",
    "bustle": 2,
    "clout": 2,
    "description": "Lounging around the taverns of the world they can always be found one word away from an indignant splutter and a grasp for their sword.",
    "exactitude": -1,
    "name": "irascible dandy",
    "sight_range": 5,
    "known_skills": [
    "permanent_afflictions": [
    "skullduggery": 1,
    "sprite_paths": {
        "__dataclass__": "TraitSpritePathsData",
        "idle": "actor/savvy/dandy_idle.png",
        "attack": "actor/savvy/dandy_attack.png",
        "hit": "actor/savvy/dandy_hit.png",
        "dead": "actor/savvy/dandy_dead.png",
        "icon": "actor/savvy/dandy_icon.png",
        "move": "actor/savvy/dandy_move.png"
    "vigour": -1

Actor example:

"training_dummy": {
    "__dataclass__": "ActorData",
    "key": "training_dummy",
    "possible_names": [
        "sally dummy",
        "steve dummy"
    "description": "It just looks so darn punchable.",
    "position_offsets": [
        [0, 0]
    "trait_names": [
    "behaviour_name": "SkipTurn",
    "height": "diminutive"


Create a new entry in terrain.json.


"bog": {
    "__dataclass__": "TerrainData",
    "blocks_movement": false,
    "height": "min",
    "description": "This is a bog. It slows entities down.",
    "name": "bog",
    "sprite_paths": {
        "__dataclass__": "TraitSpritePathsData",
        "idle": "terrain/bog.png"
    "position_offsets": [
        [0, 0]
    "light": null,
    "reactions": {
        "proximity": {
            "__dataclass__": "ReactionData",
            "required_opinion": null,
            "reaction": {
                "__dataclass__": "ApplyAfflictionEffectData",
                "affliction_name": "BoggedDown",
                "duration": 3

Map (a game level)

Create the rooms you want to include in the map within rooms.json. Next, create an entry for the map in maps.json.

Room example:

"combat": {
    "name": "Combat Room",
    "key": "combat",
    "__dataclass__": "RoomConceptData",
    "design": "square",
    "min_actors": 1,
    "max_actors": 3,
    "min_width": 8,
    "min_height": 8,
    "max_width": 10,
    "max_height": 10,
    "chance_of_spawning_wall": 0.45,
    "max_neighbouring_walls_in_room": 4,
    "sprite_paths": {
        "floor": "world/floor.png",
        "wall": "world/wall.png"
    "actors": {
        "training_dummy": 0.2,
        "crocturion": 0.8

Map example:

"cave": {
    "name": "cave",
    "key": "cave",
    "__dataclass__": "MapData",
    "min_rooms": 10,
    "max_rooms": 30,
    "max_tunnel_length": 20,
    "min_path_distance_for_shortcut": 5,
    "width": 40,
    "height": 40,
    "rooms": {
        "combat": 0.2,
        "empty": 0.1
    "sprite_paths": {
        "wall": "world/wall.png",
        "floor": "world/floor.png"
    "max_room_entrances": 2,
    "extra_entrance_chance": 10,
    "chance_of_tunnel_winding": 10


Create an entry in gods.json. The attitudes and reactions blocks can contain any number of entries.


"the_small_gods": {
    "__dataclass__": "GodData",
    "name": "the_small_gods",
    "description": "Hordes of small gods banded together to ensure they were finally taken seriously.",
    "attitudes": {
        "deal_damage":  -5
    "reactions": {
        "deal_damage": {
            "__dataclass__": "ReactionData",
            "required_opinion": -80,
            "reaction": "BasicAttack",
            "chance": 10


As a type of Action, things are a little more involved here. In addition to the json entry there must also be a python class registered with the engine using register_action from scripts.engine.internal.action. The key in the json must also match the class name exactly.


Example json:

"BoggedDown": {
    "__dataclass__": "AfflictionData",
    "category": "bane",
    "description": "It weakens mundane defence and makes you a little bit slower.",
    "icon_path": "skills/root.png",
    "name": "bogged down",
    "identity_tags": [
    "triggers": [

Example class:

class BoggedDown(Affliction):
    A demo of being stuck in the mud - it`ll ground you

    # targeting
    target_tags: List[TileTagType] = [TileTag.OTHER_ENTITY]
    shape: ShapeType = Shape.TARGET
    shape_size: int = 1

    def _build_effects(self, entity: EntityID, potency: float = 1.0) -> List[AffectStatEffect]:  # type: ignore

        affect_stat_effect = AffectStatEffect(

        return [affect_stat_effect]


Example json:

"Lightning": {
    "__dataclass__": "SkillData",
    "name": "Call Lightning",
    "description": "Shocking.",
    "cooldown": 1,
    "icon_path": "",
    "resource_cost": 10,
    "resource_type": "stamina",
    "time_cost": 35

Example class:

class Lightning(Skill):
A demo of lightning - it`s shocking!
# casting
cast_tags: List[TileTagType] = [TileTag.NO_BLOCKING_TILE]

# targeting
range: int = 3
target_tags: List[TileTagType] = [TileTag.ANY]
targeting_method: TargetingMethodType = TargetingMethod.TILE
target_directions: List[DirectionType] = [Direction.UP, Direction.DOWN, Direction.LEFT, Direction.RIGHT,
    Direction.UP_LEFT, Direction.UP_RIGHT, Direction.DOWN_LEFT, Direction.DOWN_RIGHT]
shape: ShapeType = Shape.TARGET
shape_size: int = 1

# delivery
uses_projectile: bool = False
projectile_data: Optional[ProjectileData] = None
is_delayed: bool = True
delayed_skill_data: Optional[DelayedSkillData] = DelayedSkillData(

def _build_effects(self, entity: EntityID, potency: float = 1.0) -> List[DamageEffect]:
    damage_effect = DamageEffect(
        accuracy=library.GAME_CONFIG.base_values.accuracy + 20,
        damage=int(library.GAME_CONFIG.base_values.damage * potency),
    return [damage_effect]