Source code for scripts.engine.internal.constant

from __future__ import annotations

import os
from enum import auto, IntEnum
from pathlib import Path
from types import SimpleNamespace
from typing import NewType, Tuple, Union

import pygame
import tcod

######################## TOP LEVEL CONSTANTS ######################################

DEBUG_START = False  # Whether to start directly in debug map

MAX_ACTIVATION_DISTANCE = 5  # this is how far from the player an entity can be and still be considered active

######################## PATHS ######################################

ROOT_PATH = Path(__file__).parent.parent.parent.parent  # is three directories deep

# to move up from docs and handle being in Ubuntu in CI
if "GENERATING_SPHINX_DOCS" in os.environ:
    ROOT_PATH = ROOT_PATH / os.pardir

ASSET_PATH = ROOT_PATH / "assets/"
IMAGE_NOT_FOUND_PATH = ASSET_PATH / "debug/image_not_found.png"
SAVE_PATH = DATA_PATH / "saves/"

######################## NEW TYPES ######################################
# NewType guarantees you don't accidentally pass in a normal str instead of a value explicitly defined as a member of
# that NewType, and that you don't treat that member as a normal str.

InputIntentType = NewType("InputIntentType", str)
PrimaryStatType = NewType("PrimaryStatType", str)
SecondaryStatType = NewType("SecondaryStatType", str)
ResourceType = NewType("ResourceType", str)
TileTagType = NewType("TileTagType", str)
DamageTypeType = NewType("DamageTypeType", str)
HitTypeType = NewType("HitTypeType", str)
EffectTypeType = NewType("EffectTypeType", str)
AfflictionCategoryType = NewType("AfflictionCategoryType", str)
ShapeType = NewType("ShapeType", str)
TerrainCollisionType = NewType("TerrainCollisionType", str)
TravelMethodType = NewType("TravelMethodType", str)
ProjectileExpiryType = NewType("ProjectileExpiryType", str)
ProjectileSpeedType = NewType("ProjectileSpeedType", int)
DirectionType = NewType("DirectionType", Tuple[int, int])
TargetingMethodType = NewType("TargetingMethodType", str)
TraitGroupType = NewType("TraitGroupType", str)
ReactionTriggerType = NewType("ReactionTriggerType", str)
TileCategoryType = NewType("TileCategoryType", str)
HeightType = NewType("HeightType", int)
SpriteCategoryType = NewType("SpriteCategoryType", str)

#################### INTERNAL, NON-SERIALISED ###########################################

[docs]class EventType(IntEnum): """ The types of possible customer pygame events. """ INPUT = auto() GAME = auto() INTERACTION = auto()
[docs]class InputEventType(IntEnum): """ Custom pygame event names triggered by input. These need to be interpreted into intents. """ TILE_CLICK = pygame.USEREVENT + 1 SKILL_BAR_CLICK = pygame.USEREVENT + 2
[docs]class GameEventType(IntEnum): """ Custom pygame event names triggered by the game """ EXIT_MENU = auto() NEW_GAME = auto() LOAD_GAME = auto() EXIT_GAME = auto() WIN_CONDITION_MET = auto() START_GAME = auto() NEW_TURN = auto() END_TURN = auto() NEW_ROUND = auto() END_ROUND = auto() MESSAGE = auto()
[docs]class InteractionEventType(IntEnum): """ Custom pygame events to trigger interactions. Think of these as categories for Reaction Triggers. """ MOVE = auto() DAMAGE = auto() AFFECT_STAT = auto() AFFECT_COOLDOWN = auto() AFFLICTION = auto() ALTER_TERRAIN = auto()
[docs]class RenderLayer(IntEnum): """ The possible render layers. Lower number is further down the stack. """ BOTTOM = 10 TILE = 20 TERRAIN = 30 ACTOR = 40 UI_BASE = 50 UI_WINDOW = 60
[docs]class GameState(IntEnum): """ States the game can be in. """ LOADING = 1 # while loading, to prevent key press. GAME_MAP = 2 # while player moving around the game_map PLAYER_DEAD = 3 # while player is dead TARGETING = 4 # while player is targeting EXITING = 5 # while exiting DEVELOPER = 6 # while using dev mode MENU = 7 # while using a menu
[docs]class UIElement(IntEnum): """ The different, single instance UI elements """ MESSAGE_LOG = auto() ACTOR_INFO = auto() BLESSING_MENU = auto() SKILL_BAR = auto() ENTITY_QUEUE = auto() TILE_INFO = auto() DUNGEN_VIEWER = auto() TITLE_SCREEN = auto() CHARACTER_SELECTOR = auto()
[docs]class InputIntent(SimpleNamespace): """ Values of the conversion from input to intent. Strings. """ UP = InputIntentType("up") DOWN = InputIntentType("down") LEFT = InputIntentType("left") RIGHT = InputIntentType("right") UP_RIGHT = InputIntentType("up_right") UP_LEFT = InputIntentType("up_left") DOWN_RIGHT = InputIntentType("down_right") DOWN_LEFT = InputIntentType("down_left") CENTRE = InputIntentType("centre") CONFIRM = InputIntentType("confirm") CANCEL = InputIntentType("cancel") EXIT = InputIntentType("exit") DEBUG_TOGGLE = InputIntentType("debug_toggle") SKILL0 = InputIntentType("skill0") SKILL1 = InputIntentType("skill1") SKILL2 = InputIntentType("skill2") SKILL3 = InputIntentType("skill3") SKILL4 = InputIntentType("skill4") SKILL5 = InputIntentType("skill5") REFRESH_DATA = InputIntentType("refresh_data") DEV_TOGGLE = InputIntentType("dev_toggle") ACTOR_INFO_TOGGLE = InputIntentType("actor_info_toggle") BURST_PROFILE = InputIntentType("burst_profile") TEST = InputIntentType("test") DUNGEON_DEV_VIEW = InputIntentType("dungeon_dev_toggle") TOGGLE_UI = InputIntentType("toggle_ui") LEFT_CLICKED = InputIntentType("left_clicked")
[docs]class Direction(SimpleNamespace): """ Holds a tuple as (x, y) for the relative direction. """ # N.B external values must be actively mapped to these on load as they are not held as strings UP_LEFT = DirectionType((-1, -1)) UP = DirectionType((0, -1)) UP_RIGHT = DirectionType((1, -1)) LEFT = DirectionType((-1, 0)) CENTRE = DirectionType((0, 0)) RIGHT = DirectionType((1, 0)) DOWN_LEFT = DirectionType((-1, 1)) DOWN = DirectionType((0, 1)) DOWN_RIGHT = DirectionType((1, 1))
[docs]class PrimaryStat(SimpleNamespace): """ Primary stats. Values are strings. """ VIGOUR = PrimaryStatType("vigour") CLOUT = PrimaryStatType("clout") SKULLDUGGERY = PrimaryStatType("skullduggery") BUSTLE = PrimaryStatType("bustle") EXACTITUDE = PrimaryStatType("exactitude")
[docs]class SecondaryStat(SimpleNamespace): """ Secondary stats """ MAX_HEALTH = SecondaryStatType("max_health") MAX_STAMINA = SecondaryStatType("max_stamina") ACCURACY = SecondaryStatType("accuracy") RESIST_BURN = SecondaryStatType("resist_burn") RESIST_CHEMICAL = SecondaryStatType("resist_chemical") RESIST_ASTRAL = SecondaryStatType("resist_astral") RESIST_COLD = SecondaryStatType("resist_cold") RESIST_MUNDANE = SecondaryStatType("resist_mundane") RUSH = SecondaryStatType("rush")
[docs]class Resource(SimpleNamespace): """ Resources that can be used. Must map to secondary stats. """ HEALTH = ResourceType("health") STAMINA = ResourceType("stamina")
[docs]class HitType(SimpleNamespace): """ The value of each hit type. The value is the starting amount. """ GRAZE = HitTypeType("graze") HIT = HitTypeType("hit") CRIT = HitTypeType("crit")
[docs]class TraitGroup(SimpleNamespace): """ The types of player traits """ PEOPLE = TraitGroupType("people") SAVVY = TraitGroupType("savvy") HOMELAND = TraitGroupType("homeland") NPC = TraitGroupType("npc")
[docs]class EffectType(SimpleNamespace): """ Types of effects """ APPLY_AFFLICTION = EffectTypeType("apply_affliction") DAMAGE = EffectTypeType("damage") MOVE = EffectTypeType("move") AFFECT_STAT = EffectTypeType("affect_stat") AFFECT_COOLDOWN = EffectTypeType("affect_cooldown") ALTER_TERRAIN = EffectTypeType("alter_terrain")
[docs]class TileTag(SimpleNamespace): """ Tags identifying a situation on a Tile. """ SELF = TileTagType("self") OTHER_ENTITY = TileTagType("other_entity") NO_ENTITY = TileTagType("no_entity") ANY = TileTagType("any") OPEN_SPACE = TileTagType("open_space") BLOCKED_MOVEMENT = TileTagType("blocked_movement") IS_VISIBLE = TileTagType("is_visible") NO_BLOCKING_TILE = TileTagType("no_blocking_tile") ACTOR = TileTagType("actor")
[docs]class DamageType(SimpleNamespace): """ Damage types """ BURN = DamageTypeType("burn") CHEMICAL = DamageTypeType("chemical") ASTRAL = DamageTypeType("astral") COLD = DamageTypeType("cold") MUNDANE = DamageTypeType("mundane")
[docs]class ReactionTrigger(SimpleNamespace): """ Type of trigger for the affliction """ MOVE = ReactionTriggerType("move") MOVED = ReactionTriggerType("moved") PROXIMITY = ReactionTriggerType("proximity") TAKE_DAMAGE = ReactionTriggerType("take_damage") DEAL_DAMAGE = ReactionTriggerType("deal_damage") KILL = ReactionTriggerType("kill") DIE = ReactionTriggerType("die") COLLISION = ReactionTriggerType("collision") STAT_AFFECTED = ReactionTriggerType("stat_affected") CAUSED_AFFECT_STAT = ReactionTriggerType("caused_affect_stat") COOLDOWN_AFFECTED = ReactionTriggerType("cooldown_affected") CAUSED_AFFECT_COOLDOWN = ReactionTriggerType("caused_affect_cooldown") AFFLICTED = ReactionTriggerType("afflicted") CAUSED_AFFLICTION = ReactionTriggerType("caused_affliction")
[docs]class AfflictionCategory(SimpleNamespace): """ Boon or Bane """ BANE = AfflictionCategoryType("boon") BOON = AfflictionCategoryType("bane")
[docs]class TargetingMethod(SimpleNamespace): """ Specify the way in which as skill is targeted """ AUTO = TargetingMethodType("auto") TILE = TargetingMethodType("tile") DIRECTION = TargetingMethodType("direction")
[docs]class Shape(SimpleNamespace): """ When to trigger the afflictions """ TARGET = ShapeType("target") # single target SQUARE = ShapeType("square") CIRCLE = ShapeType("circle") CROSS = ShapeType("cross") CONE = ShapeType("cone")
[docs]class TerrainCollision(SimpleNamespace): """ What to do when a skill hits terrain """ REFLECT = TerrainCollisionType("reflect") # bounce back ACTIVATE = TerrainCollisionType("activate") # trigger effects FIZZLE = TerrainCollisionType("fizzle") # kill self
[docs]class TravelMethod(SimpleNamespace): """ How the skill travels """ STANDARD = TravelMethodType("standard") # travels tile by tile ARC = TravelMethodType("arc") # only impacts last tile in range, can reflect if hits terrain early.
[docs]class ProjectileExpiry(SimpleNamespace): """ What happens when the skill reaches the range limit """ FIZZLE = ProjectileExpiryType("fizzle") ACTIVATE = ProjectileExpiryType("activate")
[docs]class ProjectileSpeed(SimpleNamespace): """ The speed at which a projectile travels; how much time to move a tile. N.B. does not use base move_cost """ # N.B external values must be actively mapped to these on load as they are not held as strings SLOW = ProjectileSpeedType(10) AVERAGE = ProjectileSpeedType(int(SLOW / 2)) FAST = ProjectileSpeedType(int(AVERAGE / 2)) INSTANT = ProjectileSpeedType(0)
[docs]class TileCategory(SimpleNamespace): """ The type of tile to be placed. Used in Dungen only. """ FLOOR = TileCategoryType("floor") WALL = TileCategoryType("wall") ACTOR = TileCategoryType("actor") DEBUG = TileCategoryType("debug") PLAYER = TileCategoryType("player")
[docs]class Height(SimpleNamespace): """ How tall an entity is. """ MIN = HeightType(1) DIMINUTIVE = HeightType(2) MIDDLING = HeightType(3) LOFTY = HeightType(4) MAX = HeightType(5)
[docs]class SpriteCategory(SimpleNamespace): ICON = SpriteCategoryType("icon") IDLE = SpriteCategoryType("idle") ATTACK = SpriteCategoryType("attack") HIT = SpriteCategoryType("hit") DEAD = SpriteCategoryType("dead") MOVE = SpriteCategoryType("move")