scripts.engine.internal package


scripts.engine.internal.action module

class Action[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Action taken during the game. A container for Effects.

description: str
effects: List[scripts.engine.core.effect.Effect]
icon_path: str
name: str
shape: ShapeType
shape_size: int
target_tags: List[TileTagType]
class Affliction(origin: int, affected_entity: int, duration: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Action

A subclass of Affliction represents an affliction (a semi-permanent modifier) and holds all the data that is not dependent on the individual instances - stuff like applicable targets etc.

An instance of Affliction represents an individual application of that affliction, and holds only the data that is tied to the individual use - stuff like the user and target.

__init__(origin: int, affected_entity: int, duration: int)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

apply()Iterator[Tuple[EntityID, List[Effect]]][source]

Apply the affliction to the affected entity. An iterator over pairs of (affected entity, [effects]). Use affected entity position. Applies to each entity only once.

category: AfflictionCategoryType
identity_tags: List[EffectTypeType]

Trigger the affliction on the affected entity

triggers: List[ReactionTriggerType]
class Behaviour(attached_entity: int)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for AI behaviours. Not really an Action, as such, more of a super class that determines when npcs will use Actions.

__init__(attached_entity: int)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

abstract act()[source]

Perform the behaviour

class DelayedSkill(attached_entity: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Behaviour

After duration ends trigger skill centred on self.

__init__(attached_entity: int)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Perform the behaviour

class Projectile(attached_entity: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Behaviour

Move in direction, up to max_range (in tiles). Speed is time spent per tile moved.

__init__(attached_entity: int)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Perform the behaviour

class Skill(user: int, target_tile: scripts.engine.world_objects.tile.Tile, direction: DirectionType)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Action

A subclass of Skill represents a skill and holds all the data that is not dependent on the individual cast - stuff like shape, base accuracy, etc.

An instance of Skill represents an individual use of that skill, and additionally holds only the data that is tied to the individual use - stuff like the user and target.

__init__(user: int, target_tile: scripts.engine.world_objects.tile.Tile, direction: DirectionType)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

apply()Iterator[Tuple[EntityID, List[Effect]]][source]

An iterator over pairs of (affected entity, [effects]). Uses target tile. Can apply to an entity multiple times.

base_cooldown: int
blessings: List[SkillModifier]
cast_tags: List[TileTagType]
delayed_skill_data: Optional[DelayedSkillData]
is_delayed: bool
projectile_data: Optional[ProjectileData]
range: int
resource_cost: int
resource_type: ResourceType
target_directions: List[DirectionType]
targeting_method: TargetingMethodType
time_cost: int
types: List[str]

If uses_projectile then create a projectile to carry the skill effects. Otherwise call self.apply

uses_projectile: bool
class SkillModifier(owner)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

The base class for blessings. Blessings modify skills through the effects applied.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

add_effects: List[Dict[str, Any]]
apply(effects: List[scripts.engine.core.effect.Effect], owner, target)[source]

This is the core function of the blessing. It takes the effect stack and modifies it with the blessing.

conflicts: List[str]
custom_args: Dict[str, Any] = {}
description: str
property involved_effects

Get the set of effects involved in the blessing.

level: str
modify_effects_set: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_flat: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_percent: List[Dict[str, Any]]
name: str
removable: bool
remove_effects: List[str]

Runs the level selection algorithm and updates attributes with the applied level.


Refreshes the class attributes with the data for the specific blessing level.

skill_types: List[str]
register_action(cls: Type[Union[Action, Behaviour, SkillModifier]])[source]

Initialises the class properties set by external data, if appropriate, and adds to the action registry for use by the engine.

scripts.engine.internal.constant module

class AfflictionCategory[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

Boon or Bane

BANE = 'boon'
BOON = 'bane'
class DamageType[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

Damage types

ASTRAL = 'astral'
BURN = 'burn'
CHEMICAL = 'chemical'
COLD = 'cold'
MUNDANE = 'mundane'
class Direction[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

Holds a tuple as (x, y) for the relative direction.

CENTRE = (0, 0)
DOWN = (0, 1)
DOWN_LEFT = (-1, 1)
DOWN_RIGHT = (1, 1)
LEFT = (-1, 0)
RIGHT = (1, 0)
UP = (0, -1)
UP_LEFT = (-1, -1)
UP_RIGHT = (1, -1)
class EffectType[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

Types of effects

AFFECT_COOLDOWN = 'affect_cooldown'
AFFECT_STAT = 'affect_stat'
ALTER_TERRAIN = 'alter_terrain'
APPLY_AFFLICTION = 'apply_affliction'
DAMAGE = 'damage'
MOVE = 'move'
class EventType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The types of possible customer pygame events.

GAME = 2
class GameEventType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Custom pygame event names triggered by the game

class GameState(value)[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

States the game can be in.

MENU = 7
class Height[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

How tall an entity is.

MAX = 5
MIN = 1
class HitType[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

The value of each hit type. The value is the starting amount.

CRIT = 'crit'
GRAZE = 'graze'
HIT = 'hit'
class InputEventType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Custom pygame event names triggered by input. These need to be interpreted into intents.

TILE_CLICK = 32775
class InputIntent[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

Values of the conversion from input to intent. Strings.

ACTOR_INFO_TOGGLE = 'actor_info_toggle'
BURST_PROFILE = 'burst_profile'
CANCEL = 'cancel'
CENTRE = 'centre'
CONFIRM = 'confirm'
DEBUG_TOGGLE = 'debug_toggle'
DEV_TOGGLE = 'dev_toggle'
DOWN = 'down'
DOWN_LEFT = 'down_left'
DOWN_RIGHT = 'down_right'
DUNGEON_DEV_VIEW = 'dungeon_dev_toggle'
EXIT = 'exit'
LEFT = 'left'
LEFT_CLICKED = 'left_clicked'
REFRESH_DATA = 'refresh_data'
RIGHT = 'right'
SKILL0 = 'skill0'
SKILL1 = 'skill1'
SKILL2 = 'skill2'
SKILL3 = 'skill3'
SKILL4 = 'skill4'
SKILL5 = 'skill5'
TEST = 'test'
TOGGLE_UI = 'toggle_ui'
UP = 'up'
UP_LEFT = 'up_left'
UP_RIGHT = 'up_right'
class InteractionEventType(value)[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

Custom pygame events to trigger interactions. Think of these as categories for Reaction Triggers.

MOVE = 1
class PrimaryStat[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

Primary stats. Values are strings.

BUSTLE = 'bustle'
CLOUT = 'clout'
EXACTITUDE = 'exactitude'
SKULLDUGGERY = 'skullduggery'
VIGOUR = 'vigour'
class ProjectileExpiry[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

What happens when the skill reaches the range limit

ACTIVATE = 'activate'
FIZZLE = 'fizzle'
class ProjectileSpeed[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

The speed at which a projectile travels; how much time to move a tile. N.B. does not use base move_cost

FAST = 2
SLOW = 10
class ReactionTrigger[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

Type of trigger for the affliction

AFFLICTED = 'afflicted'
CAUSED_AFFECT_COOLDOWN = 'caused_affect_cooldown'
CAUSED_AFFECT_STAT = 'caused_affect_stat'
CAUSED_AFFLICTION = 'caused_affliction'
COLLISION = 'collision'
COOLDOWN_AFFECTED = 'cooldown_affected'
DEAL_DAMAGE = 'deal_damage'
DIE = 'die'
KILL = 'kill'
MOVE = 'move'
MOVED = 'moved'
PROXIMITY = 'proximity'
STAT_AFFECTED = 'stat_affected'
TAKE_DAMAGE = 'take_damage'
class RenderLayer(value)[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The possible render layers. Lower number is further down the stack.

ACTOR = 40
TILE = 20
UI_BASE = 50
class Resource[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

Resources that can be used. Must map to secondary stats.

HEALTH = 'health'
STAMINA = 'stamina'
class SecondaryStat[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

Secondary stats

ACCURACY = 'accuracy'
MAX_HEALTH = 'max_health'
MAX_STAMINA = 'max_stamina'
RESIST_ASTRAL = 'resist_astral'
RESIST_BURN = 'resist_burn'
RESIST_CHEMICAL = 'resist_chemical'
RESIST_COLD = 'resist_cold'
RESIST_MUNDANE = 'resist_mundane'
RUSH = 'rush'
class Shape[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

When to trigger the afflictions

CIRCLE = 'circle'
CONE = 'cone'
CROSS = 'cross'
SQUARE = 'square'
TARGET = 'target'
class SpriteCategory[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

ATTACK = 'attack'
DEAD = 'dead'
HIT = 'hit'
ICON = 'icon'
IDLE = 'idle'
MOVE = 'move'
class TargetingMethod[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

Specify the way in which as skill is targeted

AUTO = 'auto'
DIRECTION = 'direction'
TILE = 'tile'
class TerrainCollision[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

What to do when a skill hits terrain

ACTIVATE = 'activate'
FIZZLE = 'fizzle'
REFLECT = 'reflect'
class TileCategory[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

The type of tile to be placed. Used in Dungen only.

ACTOR = 'actor'
DEBUG = 'debug'
FLOOR = 'floor'
PLAYER = 'player'
WALL = 'wall'
class TileTag[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

Tags identifying a situation on a Tile.

ACTOR = 'actor'
ANY = 'any'
BLOCKED_MOVEMENT = 'blocked_movement'
IS_VISIBLE = 'is_visible'
NO_BLOCKING_TILE = 'no_blocking_tile'
NO_ENTITY = 'no_entity'
OPEN_SPACE = 'open_space'
OTHER_ENTITY = 'other_entity'
SELF = 'self'
class TraitGroup[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

The types of player traits

HOMELAND = 'homeland'
NPC = 'npc'
PEOPLE = 'people'
SAVVY = 'savvy'
class TravelMethod[source]

Bases: types.SimpleNamespace

How the skill travels

ARC = 'arc'
STANDARD = 'standard'
class UIElement(value)[source]

Bases: enum.IntEnum

The different, single instance UI elements

TITLE_SCREEN = 8 module

class Store[source]

Bases: object

Hold the current state info required by the engine. Must be serialised. Should only be accessed via getters and setters, not directly.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

deserialise(serialised: Dict[str, Any])[source]

Loads the details from the serialised data back into the store.

serialise()Dict[str, Any][source]

Serialise all data held in the store.

scripts.engine.internal.debug module

class Debugger[source]

Bases: object


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

disable_profiling(dump_data: bool = False)[source]

Turn off current profiling. Dump data to file if required.

enable_profiling(duration: int = 999)[source]

Enable profiling. Create profiler if one doesnt exist


Get all visible values from the debugger


Initialise logging.


Returns true if fps stats are visible


Returns true if logging is active


Returns true if profiling is active


Kill logging resources


Kill profiling resource

performance_test(method_descs: List[str], old_methods: List[Tuple[Union[str, Callable], str]], new_methods: List[Tuple[Union[str, Callable], str]], num_runs: int = 1000, repeats: int = 3)str[source]
Run performance testing on a collection of methods/functions. Returns a formatted string detailing performance of

old, new and % change between them.

method_descs are used as descriptions only. old_methods/new_methods expects a list of tuples that are (method_to_test, setup). Setup can be an empty string but is usually an import. Index in each list much match, i.e. method_name[0] is the alias of the methods in old_methods[0] and new_methods[0].

Outputs as “Access Trait: 0.00123 -> 0.00036(71.00033%)”.

example usage: method_descs = [“Set Var”, “Access Skill”] old_methods = [(“x = 1”, “”),(“library.get_skill_data(‘lunge’)”, “”)] new_methods = [(“x = ‘one’”, “”), (“library2.SKILLS.get(‘lunge’)”, “from scripts.engine import library2”)] print( performance_test(method_descs, old_methods, new_methods) )


Print the debuggers stats.

set_fps_visibility(is_visible: bool = True)[source]

Set whether the FPS is visible


scripts.engine.internal.definition module

class ActorData(key: str = 'none', possible_names: List[str] = <factory>, description: str = 'none', position_offsets: List[Tuple[int, int]] = <factory>, trait_names: List[str] = <factory>, behaviour_name: str = 'none', height: HeightType = 1)[source]

Bases: object

Data class for an actor. Also used to hold and map data from json.

__init__(key: str = 'none', possible_names: List[str] = <factory>, description: str = 'none', position_offsets: List[Tuple[int, int]] = <factory>, trait_names: List[str] = <factory>, behaviour_name: str = 'none', height: HeightType = 1)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

behaviour_name: str = 'none'
description: str = 'none'
height: HeightType = 1
key: str = 'none'
position_offsets: List[Tuple[int, int]]
possible_names: List[str]
trait_names: List[str]
class AffectCooldownEffectData(effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'affect_cooldown', success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, skill_name: str = '', affect_amount: int = 0)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.definition.EffectData

The data for a apply affliction effect. Also used to hold and map data from json.

__init__(effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'affect_cooldown', success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, skill_name: str = '', affect_amount: int = 0)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

affect_amount: int = 0
effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'affect_cooldown'
skill_name: str = ''
class AffectStatEffectData(effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'affect_stat', success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, cause_name: str = '', stat_to_target: PrimaryStatType = 'exactitude', affect_amount: int = 0)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.definition.EffectData

The data for an affect stat effect. Also used to hold and map data from json.

__init__(effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'affect_stat', success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, cause_name: str = '', stat_to_target: PrimaryStatType = 'exactitude', affect_amount: int = 0)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

affect_amount: int = 0
cause_name: str = ''
effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'affect_stat'
stat_to_target: PrimaryStatType = 'exactitude'
class AfflictionData(name: str = 'none', description: str = 'none', icon_path: str = 'none', category: AfflictionCategoryType = 'boon', identity_tags: List[EffectTypeType] = <factory>, triggers: List[ReactionTriggerType] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Data class for an Affliction

__init__(name: str = 'none', description: str = 'none', icon_path: str = 'none', category: AfflictionCategoryType = 'boon', identity_tags: List[EffectTypeType] = <factory>, triggers: List[ReactionTriggerType] = <factory>)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

category: AfflictionCategoryType = 'boon'
description: str = 'none'
icon_path: str = 'none'
identity_tags: List[EffectTypeType]
name: str = 'none'
triggers: List[ReactionTriggerType]
class AlterTerrainEffectData(effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'alter_terrain', success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, terrain_name: str = '', affect_amount: int = 0)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.definition.EffectData

The data for an alter terrain effect. Also used to hold and map data from json.

__init__(effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'alter_terrain', success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, terrain_name: str = '', affect_amount: int = 0)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

affect_amount: int = 0
effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'alter_terrain'
terrain_name: str = ''
class ApplyAfflictionEffectData(effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'apply_affliction', success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, affliction_name: str = '', duration: int = 0)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.definition.EffectData

The data for a apply affliction effect. Also used to hold and map data from json.

__init__(effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'apply_affliction', success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, affliction_name: str = '', duration: int = 0)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

affliction_name: str = ''
duration: int = 0
effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'apply_affliction'
class BaseValueData(accuracy: int = 0, damage: int = 0, bustle: int = 0, clout: int = 0, exactitude: int = 0, skullduggery: int = 0, vigour: int = 0, max_health: int = 0, max_stamina: int = 0, resist_astral: int = 0, resist_burn: int = 0, resist_chemical: int = 0, resist_cold: int = 0, resist_mundane: int = 0, rush: int = 0)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(accuracy: int = 0, damage: int = 0, bustle: int = 0, clout: int = 0, exactitude: int = 0, skullduggery: int = 0, vigour: int = 0, max_health: int = 0, max_stamina: int = 0, resist_astral: int = 0, resist_burn: int = 0, resist_chemical: int = 0, resist_cold: int = 0, resist_mundane: int = 0, rush: int = 0)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

accuracy: int = 0
bustle: int = 0
clout: int = 0
damage: int = 0
exactitude: int = 0
max_health: int = 0
max_stamina: int = 0
resist_astral: int = 0
resist_burn: int = 0
resist_chemical: int = 0
resist_cold: int = 0
resist_mundane: int = 0
rush: int = 0
skullduggery: int = 0
vigour: int = 0
class DamageEffectData(effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'damage', success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, stat_to_target: PrimaryStatType = 'exactitude', accuracy: int = 0, potency: float = 1.0, damage: int = 0, damage_type: DamageTypeType = 'mundane', mod_stat: PrimaryStatType = 'exactitude', mod_amount: float = 0.0)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.definition.EffectData

The data for a damage effect. Also used to hold and map data from json.

__init__(effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'damage', success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, stat_to_target: PrimaryStatType = 'exactitude', accuracy: int = 0, potency: float = 1.0, damage: int = 0, damage_type: DamageTypeType = 'mundane', mod_stat: PrimaryStatType = 'exactitude', mod_amount: float = 0.0)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

accuracy: int = 0
damage: int = 0
damage_type: DamageTypeType = 'mundane'
effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'damage'
mod_amount: float = 0.0
mod_stat: PrimaryStatType = 'exactitude'
potency: float = 1.0
stat_to_target: PrimaryStatType = 'exactitude'
class DefaultValueData(move_cost: int = 0, time_per_round: int = 0, reduced_effectiveness_multi_tile_modifier: float = 0.0)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(move_cost: int = 0, time_per_round: int = 0, reduced_effectiveness_multi_tile_modifier: float = 0.0)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

move_cost: int = 0
reduced_effectiveness_multi_tile_modifier: float = 0.0
time_per_round: int = 0
class DelayedSkillData(creator: EntityID = 0, skill_name: str = 'none', skill_instance: Optional[Skill] = None, duration: int = 0, sprite_paths: TraitSpritePathsData = TraitSpritePathsData(render_order=<RenderLayer.BOTTOM: 10>, icon='none', idle='skills/delayed_skill.png', attack='none', hit='none', dead='none', move='none'))[source]

Bases: object

Data class for a Delayed Skill

__init__(creator: EntityID = 0, skill_name: str = 'none', skill_instance: Optional[Skill] = None, duration: int = 0, sprite_paths: TraitSpritePathsData = TraitSpritePathsData(render_order=<RenderLayer.BOTTOM: 10>, icon='none', idle='skills/delayed_skill.png', attack='none', hit='none', dead='none', move='none'))None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

creator: EntityID = 0
duration: int = 0
skill_instance: Optional[Skill] = None
skill_name: str = 'none'
sprite_paths: TraitSpritePathsData = TraitSpritePathsData(render_order=<RenderLayer.BOTTOM: 10>, icon='none', idle='skills/delayed_skill.png', attack='none', hit='none', dead='none', move='none')
class Dimensions(height: int = 0, width: int = 0)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(height: int = 0, width: int = 0)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

height: int = 0
width: int = 0
class EffectData(effect_type: EffectTypeType, success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base data class for an effect.

__init__(effect_type: EffectTypeType, success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

effect_type: EffectTypeType
failure_effects: List[Effect]
success_effects: List[Effect]
class GameConfigData(hit_types: 'HitTypeData' = <factory>, base_values: 'BaseValueData' = <factory>, default_values: 'DefaultValueData' = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(hit_types: scripts.engine.internal.definition.HitTypeData = <factory>, base_values: scripts.engine.internal.definition.BaseValueData = <factory>, default_values: scripts.engine.internal.definition.DefaultValueData = <factory>)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

base_values: scripts.engine.internal.definition.BaseValueData
default_values: scripts.engine.internal.definition.DefaultValueData
hit_types: scripts.engine.internal.definition.HitTypeData
class GodData(name: str = 'none', description: str = 'none', attitudes: Dict[ReactionTriggerType, int] = <factory>, reactions: Dict[ReactionTriggerType, scripts.engine.internal.definition.ReactionData] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Data class for a god. If a reaction.reactions is a skill name (a str) then the skill name must also be in known_skills.

__init__(name: str = 'none', description: str = 'none', attitudes: Dict[ReactionTriggerType, int] = <factory>, reactions: Dict[ReactionTriggerType, scripts.engine.internal.definition.ReactionData] = <factory>)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

attitudes: Dict[ReactionTriggerType, int]
description: str = 'none'
name: str = 'none'
reactions: Dict[ReactionTriggerType, scripts.engine.internal.definition.ReactionData]
class HitInfoData(value: int = 0, modifier: float = 0.0)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(value: int = 0, modifier: float = 0.0)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

modifier: float = 0.0
value: int = 0
class HitTypeData(graze: 'HitInfoData' = <factory>, hit: 'HitInfoData' = <factory>, crit: 'HitInfoData' = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(graze: scripts.engine.internal.definition.HitInfoData = <factory>, hit: scripts.engine.internal.definition.HitInfoData = <factory>, crit: scripts.engine.internal.definition.HitInfoData = <factory>)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

crit: scripts.engine.internal.definition.HitInfoData
graze: scripts.engine.internal.definition.HitInfoData
hit: scripts.engine.internal.definition.HitInfoData
class LightData(radius: int = 0, colour: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), alpha: int = 0)[source]

Bases: object

Data for a light source. Also used to hold and map data from json.

__init__(radius: int = 0, colour: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0), alpha: int = 0)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

alpha: int = 0
colour: Tuple[int, int, int] = (0, 0, 0)
radius: int = 0
class MapData(name: str = 'none', key: str = 'none', width: int = 0, height: int = 0, min_rooms: int = 0, max_rooms: int = 0, max_tunnel_length: int = 0, min_path_distance_for_shortcut: int = 0, max_room_entrances: int = 0, extra_entrance_chance: int = 0, chance_of_tunnel_winding: int = 0, rooms: Dict[str, float] = <factory>, sprite_paths: Dict[str, str] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Data class for a Map, specifically for generation. A map is a collection of rooms. Defines the rooms on the map, how they are placed and joined up ( with tunnels). Also used to hold and map data from json.

__init__(name: str = 'none', key: str = 'none', width: int = 0, height: int = 0, min_rooms: int = 0, max_rooms: int = 0, max_tunnel_length: int = 0, min_path_distance_for_shortcut: int = 0, max_room_entrances: int = 0, extra_entrance_chance: int = 0, chance_of_tunnel_winding: int = 0, rooms: Dict[str, float] = <factory>, sprite_paths: Dict[str, str] = <factory>)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

chance_of_tunnel_winding: int = 0
extra_entrance_chance: int = 0
height: int = 0
key: str = 'none'
max_room_entrances: int = 0
max_rooms: int = 0
max_tunnel_length: int = 0
min_path_distance_for_shortcut: int = 0
min_rooms: int = 0
name: str = 'none'
rooms: Dict[str, float]
sprite_paths: Dict[str, str]
width: int = 0
class MoveEffectData(effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'move', success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, direction: DirectionType = (0, 0), move_amount: int = 0)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.definition.EffectData

The data for a apply affliction effect. Also used to hold and map data from json.

__init__(effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'move', success_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, failure_effects: List[Effect] = <factory>, direction: DirectionType = (0, 0), move_amount: int = 0)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

direction: DirectionType = (0, 0)
effect_type: EffectTypeType = 'move'
move_amount: int = 0
class ProjectileData(creator: EntityID = 0, skill_name: str = 'none', skill_instance: Optional[Skill] = None, target_tags: List[TileTagType] = <factory>, direction: Optional[DirectionType] = None, sprite_paths: TraitSpritePathsData = <factory>, speed: ProjectileSpeedType = 10, travel_method: TravelMethodType = 'standard', range: int = 1, terrain_collision: Optional[TerrainCollisionType] = None, expiry_type: Optional[ProjectileExpiryType] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Data class for a projectile

__init__(creator: EntityID = 0, skill_name: str = 'none', skill_instance: Optional[Skill] = None, target_tags: List[TileTagType] = <factory>, direction: Optional[DirectionType] = None, sprite_paths: TraitSpritePathsData = <factory>, speed: ProjectileSpeedType = 10, travel_method: TravelMethodType = 'standard', range: int = 1, terrain_collision: Optional[TerrainCollisionType] = None, expiry_type: Optional[ProjectileExpiryType] = None)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

creator: EntityID = 0
direction: Optional[DirectionType] = None
expiry_type: Optional[ProjectileExpiryType] = None
range: int = 1
skill_instance: Optional[Skill] = None
skill_name: str = 'none'
speed: ProjectileSpeedType = 10
sprite_paths: TraitSpritePathsData
target_tags: List[TileTagType]
terrain_collision: Optional[TerrainCollisionType] = None
travel_method: TravelMethodType = 'standard'
class ReactionData(required_opinion: Optional[int] = None, reaction: Union[scripts.engine.internal.definition.EffectData, str] = '', chance: int = 100)[source]

Bases: object

Data class for a reaction.

__init__(required_opinion: Optional[int] = None, reaction: Union[scripts.engine.internal.definition.EffectData, str] = '', chance: int = 100)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

chance: int = 100
reaction: Union[scripts.engine.internal.definition.EffectData, str] = ''
required_opinion: Optional[int] = None
class RoomConceptData(name: str = 'none', key: str = 'none', min_width: int = 0, min_height: int = 0, max_width: int = 0, max_height: int = 0, design: str = '', max_neighbouring_walls_in_room: int = 0, chance_of_spawning_wall: float = 0.0, actors: Dict[str, float] = <factory>, min_actors: int = 0, max_actors: int = 0, sprite_paths: Dict[str, str] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Data class for a RoomConcept. Only used in generation.

__init__(name: str = 'none', key: str = 'none', min_width: int = 0, min_height: int = 0, max_width: int = 0, max_height: int = 0, design: str = '', max_neighbouring_walls_in_room: int = 0, chance_of_spawning_wall: float = 0.0, actors: Dict[str, float] = <factory>, min_actors: int = 0, max_actors: int = 0, sprite_paths: Dict[str, str] = <factory>)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

actors: Dict[str, float]
chance_of_spawning_wall: float = 0.0
design: str = ''
key: str = 'none'
max_actors: int = 0
max_height: int = 0
max_neighbouring_walls_in_room: int = 0
max_width: int = 0
min_actors: int = 0
min_height: int = 0
min_width: int = 0
name: str = 'none'
sprite_paths: Dict[str, str]
class SecondaryStatModData(name: str = 'none', secondary_stat_type: SecondaryStatType = 'max_health', vigour_mod: int = 0, clout_mod: int = 0, skullduggery_mod: int = 0, bustle_mod: int = 0, exactitude_mod: int = 0)[source]

Bases: object

Data class for secondary stats

__init__(name: str = 'none', secondary_stat_type: SecondaryStatType = 'max_health', vigour_mod: int = 0, clout_mod: int = 0, skullduggery_mod: int = 0, bustle_mod: int = 0, exactitude_mod: int = 0)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

bustle_mod: int = 0
clout_mod: int = 0
exactitude_mod: int = 0
name: str = 'none'
secondary_stat_type: SecondaryStatType = 'max_health'
skullduggery_mod: int = 0
vigour_mod: int = 0
class SkillData(name: str = 'none', description: str = 'none', icon_path: str = 'none', cast_tags: List[TileTagType] = <factory>, target_tags: List[TileTagType] = <factory>, resource_type: ResourceType = 'stamina', resource_cost: int = 0, time_cost: int = 0, cooldown: int = 0, targeting_method: TargetingMethodType = 'tile', target_directions: List[DirectionType] = <factory>, range: int = 1, shape: ShapeType = 'target', shape_size: int = 1, uses_projectile: bool = False, projectile_data: Optional[scripts.engine.internal.definition.ProjectileData] = None, is_delayed: bool = False, delayed_skill_data: Optional[scripts.engine.internal.definition.DelayedSkillData] = None, types: List[str] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Data class for a skill. Also used to hold and map data from json.

__init__(name: str = 'none', description: str = 'none', icon_path: str = 'none', cast_tags: List[TileTagType] = <factory>, target_tags: List[TileTagType] = <factory>, resource_type: ResourceType = 'stamina', resource_cost: int = 0, time_cost: int = 0, cooldown: int = 0, targeting_method: TargetingMethodType = 'tile', target_directions: List[DirectionType] = <factory>, range: int = 1, shape: ShapeType = 'target', shape_size: int = 1, uses_projectile: bool = False, projectile_data: Optional[scripts.engine.internal.definition.ProjectileData] = None, is_delayed: bool = False, delayed_skill_data: Optional[scripts.engine.internal.definition.DelayedSkillData] = None, types: List[str] = <factory>)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

cast_tags: List[TileTagType]
cooldown: int = 0
delayed_skill_data: Optional[scripts.engine.internal.definition.DelayedSkillData] = None
description: str = 'none'
icon_path: str = 'none'
is_delayed: bool = False
name: str = 'none'
projectile_data: Optional[scripts.engine.internal.definition.ProjectileData] = None
range: int = 1
resource_cost: int = 0
resource_type: ResourceType = 'stamina'
shape: ShapeType = 'target'
shape_size: int = 1
target_directions: List[DirectionType]
target_tags: List[TileTagType]
targeting_method: TargetingMethodType = 'tile'
time_cost: int = 0
types: List[str]
uses_projectile: bool = False
class TerrainData(name: str = 'none', description: str = 'none', height: HeightType = 1, blocks_movement: bool = False, position_offsets: List[Tuple[int, int]] = <factory>, sprite_paths: scripts.engine.internal.definition.TraitSpritePathsData = <factory>, reactions: Dict[ReactionTriggerType, scripts.engine.internal.definition.ReactionData] = <factory>, light: Optional[scripts.engine.internal.definition.LightData] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Data class for terrain. Also used to hold and map data from json.

__init__(name: str = 'none', description: str = 'none', height: HeightType = 1, blocks_movement: bool = False, position_offsets: List[Tuple[int, int]] = <factory>, sprite_paths: scripts.engine.internal.definition.TraitSpritePathsData = <factory>, reactions: Dict[ReactionTriggerType, scripts.engine.internal.definition.ReactionData] = <factory>, light: Optional[scripts.engine.internal.definition.LightData] = None)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

blocks_movement: bool = False
description: str = 'none'
height: HeightType = 1
light: Optional[scripts.engine.internal.definition.LightData] = None
name: str = 'none'
position_offsets: List[Tuple[int, int]]
reactions: Dict[ReactionTriggerType, scripts.engine.internal.definition.ReactionData]
sprite_paths: scripts.engine.internal.definition.TraitSpritePathsData
class TraitData(name: str = 'none', group: TraitGroupType = 'npc', description: str = 'none', sprite_paths: scripts.engine.internal.definition.TraitSpritePathsData = <factory>, sight_range: int = 0, vigour: int = 0, clout: int = 0, skullduggery: int = 0, bustle: int = 0, exactitude: int = 0, known_skills: List[str] = <factory>, permanent_afflictions: List[str] = <factory>)[source]

Bases: object

Data class for a trait. Also used to hold and map data from json.

__init__(name: str = 'none', group: TraitGroupType = 'npc', description: str = 'none', sprite_paths: scripts.engine.internal.definition.TraitSpritePathsData = <factory>, sight_range: int = 0, vigour: int = 0, clout: int = 0, skullduggery: int = 0, bustle: int = 0, exactitude: int = 0, known_skills: List[str] = <factory>, permanent_afflictions: List[str] = <factory>)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

bustle: int = 0
clout: int = 0
description: str = 'none'
exactitude: int = 0
group: TraitGroupType = 'npc'
known_skills: List[str]
name: str = 'none'
permanent_afflictions: List[str]
sight_range: int = 0
skullduggery: int = 0
sprite_paths: scripts.engine.internal.definition.TraitSpritePathsData
vigour: int = 0
class TraitSpritePathsData(render_order: scripts.engine.internal.constant.RenderLayer = <RenderLayer.BOTTOM: 10>, icon: str = 'none', idle: str = 'none', attack: str = 'none', hit: str = 'none', dead: str = 'none', move: str = 'none')[source]

Bases: object

Possible sprites paths for a trait. Also used to hold and map data from json.

__init__(render_order: scripts.engine.internal.constant.RenderLayer = <RenderLayer.BOTTOM: 10>, icon: str = 'none', idle: str = 'none', attack: str = 'none', hit: str = 'none', dead: str = 'none', move: str = 'none')None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

attack: str = 'none'
dead: str = 'none'
hit: str = 'none'
icon: str = 'none'
idle: str = 'none'
move: str = 'none'
render_order: scripts.engine.internal.constant.RenderLayer = 10
class TraitSpritesData(icon: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None, idle: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None, attack: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None, hit: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None, dead: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None, move: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None)[source]

Bases: object

Possible sprites.

__init__(icon: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None, idle: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None, attack: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None, hit: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None, dead: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None, move: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

attack: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None
dead: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None
hit: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None
icon: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None
idle: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None
move: Optional[pygame.Surface] = None
class VideoConfigData(base_window: 'Dimensions' = <factory>, desired_window: 'Dimensions' = <factory>, fps_limit: 'int' = 60)[source]

Bases: object

__init__(base_window: scripts.engine.internal.definition.Dimensions = <factory>, desired_window: scripts.engine.internal.definition.Dimensions = <factory>, fps_limit: int = 60)None

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

base_window: scripts.engine.internal.definition.Dimensions
desired_window: scripts.engine.internal.definition.Dimensions
fps_limit: int = 60

scripts.engine.internal.event module

class AffectCooldownEvent(origin: int, target: int, amount: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events

__init__(origin: int, target: int, amount: int)[source]

Base class for events

class AffectStatEvent(origin: int, target: int, stat_to_target: PrimaryStatType, amount: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events

__init__(origin: int, target: int, stat_to_target: PrimaryStatType, amount: int)[source]

Base class for events

class AfflictionEvent(origin: int, target: int, affliction_name: str)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events

__init__(origin: int, target: int, affliction_name: str)[source]

Base class for events

class AlterTerrainEvent(origin: int, target: int, terrain_name: str, duration: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events

__init__(origin: int, target: int, terrain_name: str, duration: int)[source]

Base class for events

class ChangeMapEvent[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events


Base class for events

class DamageEvent(origin: int, target: int, amount: int, damage_type: DamageTypeType, remaining_hp: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events

__init__(origin: int, target: int, amount: int, damage_type: DamageTypeType, remaining_hp: int)[source]

Base class for events

class EndRoundEvent[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events


Base class for events

class EndTurnEvent[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events


Base class for events

class Event(event_type: scripts.engine.internal.constant.EventType)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Events to cause top level actions to take place

Base class for events

__init__(event_type: scripts.engine.internal.constant.EventType)[source]

Base class for events

class EventHub[source]

Bases: object

Event hub to handle the interactions between events and subscribers


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Check if an event exists in the queue. Return None if nothing is found so the result can be used as a bool.

post(event: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event)[source]

Log an event ready for notifying subscribers.

subscribe(event_type: scripts.engine.internal.constant.EventType, subscriber: scripts.engine.internal.event.Subscriber)[source]

Register a subscriber with an EventType

unsubscribe(event_type: scripts.engine.internal.constant.EventType, subscriber: scripts.engine.internal.event.Subscriber)[source]

Remove a subscribers registration to an EventType


Notify subscribers of their registered event.

class ExitGameEvent[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events


Base class for events

class ExitMenuEvent(menu: scripts.engine.internal.constant.UIElement)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events

__init__(menu: scripts.engine.internal.constant.UIElement)[source]

Base class for events

class LoadGameEvent[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events


Base class for events

class LoseConditionMetEvent[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events


Base class for events

class MessageEvent(message: str)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events

__init__(message: str)[source]

Base class for events

class MoveEvent(origin: int, target: int, direction: DirectionType, new_pos: Tuple[int, int])[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events

__init__(origin: int, target: int, direction: DirectionType, new_pos: Tuple[int, int])[source]

Base class for events

class NewGameEvent[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events


Base class for events

class NewRoundEvent[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events


Base class for events

class NewTurnEvent[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events


Base class for events

class ShrineEvent(entity_id: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events

__init__(entity_id: int)[source]

Base class for events

class ShrineMenuEvent(blessing_options: List[Any])[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events

__init__(blessing_options: List[Any])[source]

Base class for events

class StartGameEvent(player_data: scripts.engine.internal.definition.ActorData)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events

__init__(player_data: scripts.engine.internal.definition.ActorData)[source]

Base class for events

class Subscriber(name: str)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Class to set default behaviour for handlers listening for events

__init__(name: str)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

abstract process_event(event: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event)[source]

Process game events.

subscribe(event_type: scripts.engine.internal.constant.EventType)[source]
unsubscribe(event_type: scripts.engine.internal.constant.EventType)[source]
class UseSkillEvent(origin: int, skill_name: str)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events

__init__(origin: int, skill_name: str)[source]

Base class for events

class WinConditionMetEvent[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Event

Base class for events


Base class for events

scripts.engine.internal.extend_json module

class ExtendedJsonEncoder(*, skipkeys=False, ensure_ascii=True, check_circular=True, allow_nan=True, sort_keys=False, indent=None, separators=None, default=None)[source]

Bases: json.encoder.JSONEncoder

Extend the json Encoder to handle dataclass types

Constructor for JSONEncoder, with sensible defaults.

If skipkeys is false, then it is a TypeError to attempt encoding of keys that are not str, int, float or None. If skipkeys is True, such items are simply skipped.

If ensure_ascii is true, the output is guaranteed to be str objects with all incoming non-ASCII characters escaped. If ensure_ascii is false, the output can contain non-ASCII characters.

If check_circular is true, then lists, dicts, and custom encoded objects will be checked for circular references during encoding to prevent an infinite recursion (which would cause an OverflowError). Otherwise, no such check takes place.

If allow_nan is true, then NaN, Infinity, and -Infinity will be encoded as such. This behavior is not JSON specification compliant, but is consistent with most JavaScript based encoders and decoders. Otherwise, it will be a ValueError to encode such floats.

If sort_keys is true, then the output of dictionaries will be sorted by key; this is useful for regression tests to ensure that JSON serializations can be compared on a day-to-day basis.

If indent is a non-negative integer, then JSON array elements and object members will be pretty-printed with that indent level. An indent level of 0 will only insert newlines. None is the most compact representation.

If specified, separators should be an (item_separator, key_separator) tuple. The default is (‘, ‘, ‘: ‘) if indent is None and (‘,’, ‘: ‘) otherwise. To get the most compact JSON representation, you should specify (‘,’, ‘:’) to eliminate whitespace.

If specified, default is a function that gets called for objects that can’t otherwise be serialized. It should return a JSON encodable version of the object or raise a TypeError.


Override the base default method to handle enum and dataclasses


scripts.engine.internal.interaction module

class InteractionEventSubscriber[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Subscriber

Handle interaction events.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Process game events.

scripts.engine.internal.library module


Load all json data into the library.

Module contents