Source code for scripts.nqp.actions.blessing

import random
from typing import List

from scripts.engine.core.effect import Effect, ApplyAfflictionEffect
from scripts.engine.internal.constant import HitType
from scripts.engine.internal.action import SkillModifier
from import store

Use Blessing.custom_args to set custom effect initialization for a blessing if
an object needs to be used (since objects can't be created in JSON).

[docs]class MoveFast(SkillModifier): pass
[docs]class NoMove(SkillModifier): pass
[docs]class Aftershock(SkillModifier): pass
[docs]class SaltTheWound(SkillModifier):
[docs] def apply(self, effects: List[Effect], owner, target): for effect in effects[::-1]: if hasattr(effect, 'hit_type_effects'): affliction_choice = random.choice([affliction for affliction in store.affliction_registry if store.affliction_registry[affliction].category == 'bane']) new_affliction_effect = ApplyAfflictionEffect( origin=effect.origin,, success_effects=[], failure_effects=[], affliction_name=affliction_choice, duration=10, ) effect.hit_type_effects[HitType.CRIT].append(new_affliction_effect) # type: ignore
# this blessing only needs to be written in code because HitTypes can't be written as JSON.
[docs]class KeepAnEvenKeel(SkillModifier):
[docs] def apply(self, effects: List[Effect], owner, target): for effect in effects[::-1]: if hasattr(effect, 'force_hit_type'): effect.force_hit_type = HitType.HIT # type: ignore
""" This is one example of how the blessing class can be used to modify blessings in a way that the JSON can't. The move target must be changed to the owner or this blessing won't work with skills that don't self-target. """
[docs]class AttackMove(SkillModifier):
[docs] def apply(self, effects: List[Effect], owner, target): super().apply(effects, owner, owner)