scripts.nqp.actions package


scripts.nqp.actions.affliction module

class BoggedDown(origin: int, affected_entity: int, duration: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Affliction

shape: ShapeType = 'target'
shape_size: int = 1
target_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['other_entity']
class Flaming(origin: int, affected_entity: int, duration: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Affliction

shape: ShapeType = 'target'
shape_size: int = 1
target_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['other_entity']

scripts.nqp.actions.behaviour module

class FollowPlayer(attached_entity: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Behaviour

Basic AI to follow the player


Perform the behaviour

class SearchAndAttack(attached_entity: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Behaviour

Search and attack the player


Perform the behaviour

class SkipTurn(attached_entity: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Behaviour

Just skips turn


Perform the behaviour

scripts.nqp.actions.blessing module

class Aftershock(owner)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.SkillModifier

add_effects: List[Dict[str, Any]]
conflicts: List[str]
description: str
level: str
modify_effects_set: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_flat: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_percent: List[Dict[str, Any]]
name: str
removable: bool
remove_effects: List[str]
skill_types: List[str]
class AttackMove(owner)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.SkillModifier

add_effects: List[Dict[str, Any]]
apply(effects: List[scripts.engine.core.effect.Effect], owner, target)[source]

This is the core function of the blessing. It takes the effect stack and modifies it with the blessing.

conflicts: List[str]
description: str
level: str
modify_effects_set: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_flat: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_percent: List[Dict[str, Any]]
name: str
removable: bool
remove_effects: List[str]
skill_types: List[str]
class KeepAnEvenKeel(owner)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.SkillModifier

add_effects: List[Dict[str, Any]]
apply(effects: List[scripts.engine.core.effect.Effect], owner, target)[source]

This is the core function of the blessing. It takes the effect stack and modifies it with the blessing.

conflicts: List[str]
description: str
level: str
modify_effects_set: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_flat: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_percent: List[Dict[str, Any]]
name: str
removable: bool
remove_effects: List[str]
skill_types: List[str]
class MoveFast(owner)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.SkillModifier

add_effects: List[Dict[str, Any]]
conflicts: List[str]
description: str
level: str
modify_effects_set: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_flat: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_percent: List[Dict[str, Any]]
name: str
removable: bool
remove_effects: List[str]
skill_types: List[str]
class NoMove(owner)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.SkillModifier

add_effects: List[Dict[str, Any]]
conflicts: List[str]
description: str
level: str
modify_effects_set: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_flat: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_percent: List[Dict[str, Any]]
name: str
removable: bool
remove_effects: List[str]
skill_types: List[str]
class SaltTheWound(owner)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.SkillModifier

add_effects: List[Dict[str, Any]]
apply(effects: List[scripts.engine.core.effect.Effect], owner, target)[source]

This is the core function of the blessing. It takes the effect stack and modifies it with the blessing.

conflicts: List[str]
description: str
level: str
modify_effects_set: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_flat: List[Dict[str, Any]]
modify_effects_tweak_percent: List[Dict[str, Any]]
name: str
removable: bool
remove_effects: List[str]
skill_types: List[str]

scripts.nqp.actions.skill module

class BasicAttack(user: int, target_tile: scripts.engine.world_objects.tile.Tile, direction: DirectionType)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Skill

Basic attack for an entity

cast_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['actor']
delayed_skill_data: Optional[DelayedSkillData] = None
is_delayed: bool = False
projectile_data: Optional[ProjectileData] = None
range: int = 1
shape: ShapeType = 'target'
shape_size: int = 1
target_directions: List[DirectionType] = [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1)]
target_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['actor']
targeting_method: TargetingMethodType = 'tile'
uses_projectile: bool = False
class Lightning(user: int, target_tile: scripts.engine.world_objects.tile.Tile, direction: DirectionType)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Skill

Test the Delayed Skill functionality.

cast_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['no_blocking_tile']
delayed_skill_data: Optional[DelayedSkillData] = DelayedSkillData(creator=0, skill_name='none', skill_instance=None, duration=3, sprite_paths=TraitSpritePathsData(render_order=<RenderLayer.BOTTOM: 10>, icon='none', idle='skills/delayed_skill.png', attack='none', hit='none', dead='none', move='none'))
is_delayed: bool = True
projectile_data: Optional[ProjectileData] = None
range: int = 3
shape: ShapeType = 'target'
shape_size: int = 1
target_directions: List[DirectionType] = [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1)]
target_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['any']
targeting_method: TargetingMethodType = 'tile'
uses_projectile: bool = False
class Lunge(user: int, tile: scripts.engine.world_objects.tile.Tile, direction: DirectionType)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Skill

Lunge skill for an entity

Set the target tile as the current tile since we need to move. N.B. ignores provided tile.

__init__(user: int, tile: scripts.engine.world_objects.tile.Tile, direction: DirectionType)[source]

Set the target tile as the current tile since we need to move. N.B. ignores provided tile.

cast_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['actor']
delayed_skill_data: Optional[DelayedSkillData] = None
is_delayed: bool = False
projectile_data: Optional[ProjectileData] = None
range: int = 1
shape: ShapeType = 'target'
shape_size: int = 1
target_directions: List[DirectionType] = [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1)]
target_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['actor']
targeting_method: TargetingMethodType = 'direction'
uses_projectile: bool = False
class Move(user: int, target_tile: scripts.engine.world_objects.tile.Tile, direction)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Skill

Basic move for an entity.

Move needs an init as it overrides the target tile

__init__(user: int, target_tile: scripts.engine.world_objects.tile.Tile, direction)[source]

Move needs an init as it overrides the target tile

cast_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['no_blocking_tile']
delayed_skill_data: Optional[DelayedSkillData] = None
is_delayed: bool = False
projectile_data: Optional[ProjectileData] = None
range: int = 1
shape: ShapeType = 'target'
shape_size: int = 1
target_directions: List[DirectionType] = [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0)]
target_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['self']
targeting_method: TargetingMethodType = 'direction'
uses_projectile: bool = False
class Splash(user: int, target_tile: scripts.engine.world_objects.tile.Tile, direction: DirectionType)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Skill

Simple projectile attack

cast_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['no_blocking_tile']
delayed_skill_data: Optional[DelayedSkillData] = None
is_delayed: bool = False
projectile_data: Optional[ProjectileData] = ProjectileData(creator=0, skill_name='none', skill_instance=None, target_tags=[], direction=None, sprite_paths=TraitSpritePathsData(render_order=<RenderLayer.BOTTOM: 10>, icon='none', idle='skills/projectile.png', attack='none', hit='none', dead='none', move='skills/projectile.png'), speed=10, travel_method='standard', range=3, terrain_collision='fizzle', expiry_type='fizzle')
range: int = 3
shape: ShapeType = 'target'
shape_size: int = 1
target_directions: List[DirectionType] = [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1)]
target_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['other_entity']
targeting_method: TargetingMethodType = 'tile'
uses_projectile: bool = True
class TarAndFeather(user: int, target_tile: scripts.engine.world_objects.tile.Tile, direction: DirectionType)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Skill

TarAndFeather skill for an entity

__init__(user: int, target_tile: scripts.engine.world_objects.tile.Tile, direction: DirectionType)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

cast_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['no_blocking_tile']
delayed_skill_data: Optional[DelayedSkillData] = None
is_delayed: bool = False
projectile_data: Optional[ProjectileData] = ProjectileData(creator=0, skill_name='none', skill_instance=None, target_tags=[], direction=None, sprite_paths=TraitSpritePathsData(render_order=<RenderLayer.BOTTOM: 10>, icon='none', idle='skills/projectile.png', attack='none', hit='none', dead='none', move='skills/projectile.png'), speed=5, travel_method='standard', range=5, terrain_collision='fizzle', expiry_type='fizzle')
range: int = 5
shape: ShapeType = 'target'
shape_size: int = 1
target_directions: List[DirectionType] = [(0, -1), (0, 1), (-1, 0), (1, 0), (-1, -1), (1, -1), (-1, 1), (1, 1)]
target_tags: List[TileTagType] = ['actor']
targeting_method: TargetingMethodType = 'tile'
uses_projectile: bool = True

Module contents