
class Action[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Action taken during the game. A container for Effects.

class Affliction(origin: int, affected_entity: int, duration: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Action

A subclass of Affliction represents an affliction (a semi-permanent modifier) and holds all the data that is not dependent on the individual instances - stuff like applicable targets etc.

An instance of Affliction represents an individual application of that affliction, and holds only the data that is tied to the individual use - stuff like the user and target.

__init__(origin: int, affected_entity: int, duration: int)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

apply()Iterator[Tuple[EntityID, List[Effect]]][source]

Apply the affliction to the affected entity. An iterator over pairs of (affected entity, [effects]). Use affected entity position. Applies to each entity only once.


Trigger the affliction on the affected entity

class Behaviour(attached_entity: int)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for AI behaviours. Not really an Action, as such, more of a super class that determines when npcs will use Actions.

__init__(attached_entity: int)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

abstract act()[source]

Perform the behaviour

class DelayedSkill(attached_entity: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Behaviour

After duration ends trigger skill centred on self.

__init__(attached_entity: int)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Perform the behaviour

class Projectile(attached_entity: int)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Behaviour

Move in direction, up to max_range (in tiles). Speed is time spent per tile moved.

__init__(attached_entity: int)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Perform the behaviour

class Skill(user: int, target_tile: scripts.engine.world_objects.tile.Tile, direction: DirectionType)[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.action.Action

A subclass of Skill represents a skill and holds all the data that is not dependent on the individual cast - stuff like shape, base accuracy, etc.

An instance of Skill represents an individual use of that skill, and additionally holds only the data that is tied to the individual use - stuff like the user and target.

__init__(user: int, target_tile: scripts.engine.world_objects.tile.Tile, direction: DirectionType)[source]

Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

apply()Iterator[Tuple[EntityID, List[Effect]]][source]

An iterator over pairs of (affected entity, [effects]). Uses target tile. Can apply to an entity multiple times.


If uses_projectile then create a projectile to carry the skill effects. Otherwise call self.apply

class SkillModifier(owner)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

The base class for blessings. Blessings modify skills through the effects applied.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

apply(effects: List[scripts.engine.core.effect.Effect], owner, target)[source]

This is the core function of the blessing. It takes the effect stack and modifies it with the blessing.

property involved_effects

Get the set of effects involved in the blessing.


Runs the level selection algorithm and updates attributes with the applied level.


Refreshes the class attributes with the data for the specific blessing level.

register_action(cls: Type[Union[Action, Behaviour, SkillModifier]])[source]

Initialises the class properties set by external data, if appropriate, and adds to the action registry for use by the engine.