scripts.nqp.processors package


scripts.nqp.processors.display module

process_updates(time_delta: float, game_state: scripts.engine.internal.constant.GameState)[source]

Fire realtime processors. module

class GameEventSubscriber[source]

Bases: scripts.engine.internal.event.Subscriber

Handle interaction events.


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.


Process game events.

scripts.nqp.processors.input module

process_input_event(event: pygame.event, game_state: GameState)[source]

Extract the intent from the event and process them in the context of the game state. If an event can only be called in one way then no intent is generated and the event will directly go to the relevant action.

This covers the custom InputEventType and pygame pygame.KEYDOWN events.

scripts.nqp.processors.intent module

process_intent(intent: InputIntentType, game_state: Optional[scripts.engine.internal.constant.GameState] = None)[source]

Process the intent in the context of the game state. Intents are game state sensitive. If no game state is passed the current one will be obtained.

scripts.nqp.processors.targeting module

class Targeting[source]

Bases: object


Initialize self. See help(type(self)) for accurate signature.

check_valid_line_of_sight(pos: Tuple[int, int])Tuple[bool, List][source]

Checks if a tile is in the line of sight from the player and returns the visible path to the target tile.


Process a click. This is currently just used during targeting to trigger the cast event since the camera tracks what tiles are targetable. TODO: Move targeting logic out of the camera.


For processing local events based on camera data. Updates the current hovered tile based on mouse position and updates the TILE_INFO GUI element.

render(camera, target_surf: pygame.Surface)[source]

Module contents