

Using Effects

Effects are defined in data files and then built during play. As the state cannot be known ahead of time we must account for this “unknowability”.


See the Adding New Content section for the data schema.

At a high level, there are a few parts:

  • *Effect components, which track the changes to a stats object

  • *EffectSentinel components, which can find the right targets for stats using the data from yaml

  • Stat/Attribute objects, which can have multiple modifiers against the base value

Let’s take a specific example, the StatEffect. StatEffects will add themselves and a modifier function to a Stat object. Whenever the value of a Stat object is queried (stat.value), the base_value is computed against all modifiers. When a StatsEffect object is removed from play, the modifier is also removed, lazily, the next time the Stat value is computed. StatsEffectSentinels bridge the gap between the YAML and the game, and are a sort of simple query language, for matching stats in the YAML to game entities in play.

Creating the effect looks like this:

And when creating a new entity it should look like this:

A Word on EffectSentinels

The Sentinels are regular ecs components, and if removed from the ecs, will no longer apply effects to new game entities.

Sentinels are not required if an *Effect is applied directly, only if we want to use the Sentinel to apply the effect when required.