
Developer Guide

So you want to contribute to Not Quite Paradise2? Huzzah! Any support is welcome and greatly appreciated!

Tools Used

The following tools are used as standard to ensure a consistent and reliable codebase.

  • pre-commit - a framework for managing and maintaining multi-language pre-commit hooks.

  • black - an opinionated linter.

  • isort - manage the order of imports.

After installing the pre-commit hook, black and isort automatically reformat your code when you try to commit changes.

When you submit a pull request the CI, Github Actions, also runs the pre-commit hook to verify if your code is correctly formatted.

Style Guide


PEP8 compliant. Make use of type hints, with a view to reintroducing MyPy in the future.


  • If checking a bool use IsA or HasA.

  • If setting a variable from statically held data prefix with “load_[data]”
    • Where a variable name contains “name” the variable may include spaces and other special characters. Where it includes “key” it may contain alphanumeric values only.


Functions that change state should confirm when they have done so, via the log.

Architecture Overview

Game is key

All of the functionality is channeled through Game, with most classes having a reference to that class in order to access other aspects of the code base.


The core aspects of the engine are held in a series of classes stored in the aptly named /core directory. Each of these classes handle a critical element of the engine and their purposes are intended to overlap as little as possible.


In game interactions are handled via Scene s. Each Scene has a directory in the scene folder and is made up of 2 classes, Scene and UI.

Scenes can be stacked on top of another and are rendered in the order in which they are added, those added earlier being rendered sooner. Scenes also have a concept of input blocking, allowing input to flow onto scenes further down the stack, or not, as required.


Where possible, static data should be defined in external files. See Game Config for examples.



To get started, fork the repository.

To correctly download the game’s resources along with the code, install git LFS as described here, then clone your forked repository as usual.

After that, open it up in your favorite editor. Next, open your terminal and point it to where you just saved the NQP2 repository. If you want to use poetry you would then run:

$ pip install poetry
$ poetry install

This will install all of the dependencies needed, using poetry.

To run NQP2, navigate the terminal to the game directory and then use:

$ python

If you’re not sure where to start helping out you can look at the existing feature requests and issues, here. Pick one you think you’d like to tackle and make the relevant changes to your fork.


Before committing changes to the code developers are expected to install the pre-commit hook by running the following command in the project’s root folder:

$ pre-commit install

From then on, every time you run git commit, pre-commit is going to run black and isort automatically to format your files. If the pre-commit hook makes any changes after you try to commit code, you’ll see an error message:

check python ast.........................................................Passed
check yaml...........................................(no files to check)Skipped
check toml...........................................(no files to check)Skipped
- hook id: black
- files were modified by this hook


All done! ✨ 🍰 ✨
1 file reformatted.

- hook id: isort
- files were modified by this hook

At this point your code was reformatted, but the changes are still staged on git, meaning you should git add the changed files and commit them again.


When you’re ready, submit a pull request to have your changes added to the main repository. Any pull request must pass the checks in the Github Actions. The code must remain compatible with the building of the Sphinx documentation, so that the docs are always up to date.

Bug, Issues and Defects

If you find any problems in the existing code you can raise a new issue on Not Quite Paradise 2’s GitHub page.

Game Config

Many of the values used throughout NQP2 are held in external data files. Those that relate to how the game functions are held in config.yaml.

Config Explained

  '1': 100  # the weight ascribed to a tier 1 unit when generating
  '2': 50   # the weight for a tier 2 unit...
  '3': 25
  '4': 1
  '1': 100  # the weight of a tier 0 event when generating
  '2': 75   # the weight of a tier 2 event...
  '3': 50
  '4': 25
  '1': 100  # the weight of a tier 1 combat when generating
  '2': 75   # the weight of a tier 2 combat...
  '3': 50
  '4': 25
  tier_1:        # base values used for tier 1 units
    health: 0
    defence: 0
    attack: 0
    range: 0
    attack_speed: 0
    move_speed: 0
    ammo: 0
    count: 0
    size: 0
    weight: 0
    gold_cost: 0
  tier_2:        # base values used for tier 2 units
    health: 0
    defence: 0
    attack: 0
    range: 0
    attack_speed: 0
    move_speed: 0
    ammo: 0
    count: 0
    size: 0
    weight: 0
    gold_cost: 0
  tier_3:        # base values used for tier 3 units
    health: 0
    defence: 0
    attack: 0
    range: 0
    attack_speed: 0
    move_speed: 0
    ammo: 0
    count: 0
    size: 0
    weight: 0
    gold_cost: 0
  tier_4:        # base values used for tier 4 units
    health: 0
    defence: 0
    attack: 0
    range: 0
    attack_speed: 0
    move_speed: 0
    ammo: 0
    count: 0
    size: 0
    weight: 0
    gold_cost: 0
starting_values:   # starting values of different resources
  gold: 0
  rations: 0
  morale: 0
  charisma: 0
  leadership: 0
  tier_cost_multiplier: 1.2  # the multiplier applied to the upgrade cost. Only applies to tiers > 1. (tier * tier_cost_multiplier) * cost
  cost: 25                   # the base cost of an upgrade
  node_weights:  # the weight assigned to each node during generation.
    combat: 0.5
    event: 0.2
    inn: 0.1
    training: 0.1
    unknown: 0.2
  gold_min: 10                # minimum gold given as reward post combat
  gold_max: 50                # maximum gold given
  gold_level_multiplier: 1.1  # the multiplier applied to the gold rewards. Only applied post level 1. (level * gold_level_multiplier) * gold_min (and gold_max)

Developer Console

To open or close the developer console use the back tick ``.





Additional Notes

event [event_type]

event camp_party

Load specified event.



Toggles godmode where player units take no damage and deal increased damage.



A template yaml is created for each unit, based on the folder names in the asset folder.



Load the unit gallery.



Load the data editor.


``load_unit_csv ``

Load a csv named units.csv into the unit’s yaml files, or creates new ones as appropriate. Does not handle size, weight, gold_cost, default_behaviour or type.

combat_result [result]

combat_result win

Expects “win” or “lose”. Instantly ends the current combat with the given result.