
Source code for nqp.command.troupe

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pygame
from snecs.typedefs import EntityID

from nqp.command.unit import Unit

    from typing import Dict, List

    from import Game

__all__ = ["Troupe"]

[docs]class Troupe: """ Management of a group of units """
[docs] def __init__(self, game: Game, team: str, allies: List[str]): self._game: Game = game self._unit_ids: List[int] = [] # used to manage order self._units: Dict[int, Unit] = {} str = team self.allies: List[str] = allies self._position: pygame.Vector2 = self._get_reference_position()
[docs] def update(self, delta_time: float): for unit in self.units.values(): unit.update(delta_time) self._position = self._get_reference_position()
@property def units(self) -> Dict[int, Unit]: units_ = {} # build new dict respecting order for id_ in self._unit_ids: units_[id_] = self._units[id_] return units_ @property def entities(self) -> List[EntityID]: entities = [] for unit in self.units.values(): entities += unit.entities return entities
[docs] def debug_init_units(self) -> List[int]: """ Initialise all units for Troupe faction. Returns list of created ids. """ ids = [] unit_types = for unit_type in unit_types: id_ = self._add_unit_from_type(unit_type) ids.append(id_) return ids
[docs] def add_unit(self, unit: Unit): """ Add a unit instance to the troupe. Used when buying an existing unit, e.g. from Inn. """ self._units[] = unit self._unit_ids.append( # Assigns the new unit to an empty cell logging.debug(f"Unit {unit.type}({}) added to {}'s troupe.")
def _add_unit_from_type(self, unit_type: str) -> int: """ Create a unit based on the unit type and add the unit to the troupe. Return id. """ id_ = self._game.memory.generate_id() unit = Unit(self._game, id_, unit_type,, pygame.Vector2(0, 0)) unit.spawn_entities() self._units[id_] = unit self._unit_ids.append(id_) logging.debug(f"Unit {unit.type}({}) created and added to {}'s troupe.") return id_
[docs] def remove_unit(self, id_: int): try: unit = self._units.pop(id_) self._unit_ids.remove(id_) logging.debug(f"Unit {unit.type}({}) removed from {}'s troupe.") except KeyError: logging.warning(f"remove_unit: {id_} not found in {self.units}. No unit removed.")
[docs] def remove_all_units(self): """ Remove all units from the Troupe """ self._units = {} self._unit_ids = [] logging.debug(f"All units removed from {}'s troupe.")
[docs] def generate_units( self, number_of_units: int, tiers_allowed: List[int] = None, duplicates: bool = False, ) -> List[int]: """ Generate units for the Troupe, based on parameters given. Returns: list of created ids. """ unit_types = [] # get unit info unit_types_ = [] unit_occur_rate = [] for unit_type in, tiers_allowed): unit_types_.append(unit_type) occur_rate = unit_occur_rate.append(occur_rate) # choose units if duplicates: chosen_types = self._game.rng.choices(unit_types_, unit_occur_rate, k=number_of_units) else: chosen_types = [] for i in range(number_of_units): # choose unit unit = self._game.rng.choices(unit_types_, unit_occur_rate)[0] chosen_types.append(unit) # remove unit and occur rate from option pool unit_index = unit_types_.index(unit) unit_types_.remove(unit) del unit_occur_rate[unit_index] # add to list for chosen_type in chosen_types: unit_types.append(chosen_type) # create units ids = [] for unit_type in unit_types: id_ = self._add_unit_from_type(unit_type) ids.append(id_) return ids
[docs] def generate_specific_units(self, unit_types: List[str]) -> List[int]: """ Generate units for the Troupe, based on parameters given. Returns list of created ids. unit_types is expressed as [unit.type, ...] """ # create units ids = [] for unit_type in unit_types: id_ = self._add_unit_from_type(unit_type) ids.append(id_) return ids
[docs] def upgrade_unit(self, id_: int, upgrade_type: str): """ Upgrade a unit with a given upgrade. """ # get unit unit = self.units[id_] try: data =[upgrade_type] unit.add_modifier(data["stat"], data["mod_amount"]) except KeyError: logging.warning(f"Tried to upgrade {} with {upgrade_type} but upgrade not found. No action taken.")
[docs] def get_random_unit(self) -> Unit: """ Return a random unit from the Troupe. """ id_ = self._game.rng.choice(self.units) return self.units[id_]
[docs] def set_force_idle(self, active: bool): """ Set the forced_idle attr for all units in the Troupe """ for unit in self.units.values(): unit.forced_behaviour = False unit.forced_idle = active
def _get_reference_position(self) -> pygame.Vector2: """ Get the Troupe's reference position, using the position of the first Entity in the dict. """ if len(self.units) > 0: unit = list(self.units.values())[0] return unit.pos else: return pygame.Vector2(0, 0)