
Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import os
import time
from typing import Any, TYPE_CHECKING

import pygame

from nqp.core.constants import ASSET_PATH, INFINITE
from nqp.core.debug import Timer

    from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

    from import Game

__all__ = ["Audio"]

[docs]class Audio: """ The Audio Engine. It manages all sound interactions """
[docs] def __init__(self, game: Game): with Timer("Audio: initialised"): self._game: Game = game self._sounds: Dict[str, pygame.mixer.Sound] = self._load_sounds() self._unique_sounds: Dict[str, float] = {} # sounds that cant be duplicated. sound_name, remaining_duration
[docs] def update(self, delta_time: float): # reduce timers in unique sounds for sound_name, time_remaining in self._unique_sounds.items(): self._unique_sounds[sound_name] = time_remaining - delta_time
@staticmethod def _load_sounds() -> Dict[str, pygame.mixer.Sound]: """ Load all sounds from /assets/sounds """ sounds = {} sound_counter = 0 path = ASSET_PATH / "sounds" for sound_name in os.listdir(path): if sound_name.split(".")[-1] == "wav" or sound_name.split(".")[-1] == "mp3": # avoid duplicates if sound_name in sounds.keys(): logging.warning(f"{sound_name} already loaded, non-unique file name.") sound = pygame.mixer.Sound(str(path / sound_name)) sounds[sound_name.split(".")[0]] = sound sound_counter += 1 logging.debug(f"Audio: {sound_counter} Sounds loaded. ") return sounds
[docs] def play_sound( self, sound_name: str, loops: int = 0, max_time: float = -1, fade_in_ms: float = -1, allow_duplicates: bool = True, ): """ Play sound. Args: sound_name: the name of the sound loops: how many loops. set to INFINITE to make the sound loop infinitely. Can still be stopped. max_time: how long the sound can play for. -1 means until end. fade_in_ms: how long the sound will take to get to full volume. -1 means start at full. allow_duplicates: when the same sound can be played while this is still active. """ # check if currently blocked as unique if sound_name in self._unique_sounds.keys(): logging.debug(f"{sound_name} already playing as unique so not played again.") try: sound = self._sounds[sound_name] # normalise values to pygame's expected defaults if max_time == -1: max_time = 0 if fade_in_ms == -1: fade_in_ms = 0 if loops == INFINITE: loops = -1, max_time, fade_in_ms) if not allow_duplicates: # get length if max_time != 0: duration = sound.get_length() * (1 + loops) else: duration = min(sound.get_length() * (1 + loops), max_time) self._unique_sounds[sound_name] = duration except KeyError: logging.warning(f"Sound [{sound_name} not found.")