
Source code for nqp.core.debug

from __future__ import annotations

import cProfile
import datetime
import gc
import io
import logging
import os
import pstats
import time
import timeit
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pygame

from nqp.core.constants import DEBUGGING_PATH, FontType, INFINITE, LOGGING_PATH, PROFILING_PATH, VERSION, WorldState
from nqp.ui_elements.generic.font import Font
from nqp.ui_elements.tailored.dev_console import DevConsole

    from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union

    from import Game

__all__ = ["Debugger", "Timer"]

[docs]class Debugger:
[docs] def __init__(self, game: Game): with Timer("Debugger: initialised"): self._game = game # create required folders self._create_folders() # objects self.profiler: Optional[cProfile.Profile] = None self._dev_console: Optional[DevConsole] = None # counters self.current_fps: int = 0 self.recent_average_fps: int = 0 self.average_fps: int = 0 self._frames: int = 0 self.profile_duration_remaining: int = INFINITE # flags self.is_profiling: bool = True self.is_logging: bool = True self.debug_mode: bool = False self._show_debug_info: bool = True # values self._num_frames_considered_recent: int = 600 # ui self._fonts: List[Font] = [] self.initialise_logging()
[docs] def update(self, delta_time: float): self._frames += 1 self.current_fps = 1 # state.get_internal_clock().get_fps() # FIXME - fix to new clock self.average_fps += (self.current_fps - self.average_fps) / self._frames # count down profiler duration, if it isnt running temporarily if self.profile_duration_remaining != INFINITE: self.profile_duration_remaining -= 1 # check if profiler needs to turn off if self.profile_duration_remaining == 0: self.disable_profiling(True) # get recent fps if self._frames >= self._num_frames_considered_recent: frames_to_count = self._num_frames_considered_recent else: frames_to_count = self._frames self.recent_average_fps += (self.current_fps - self.average_fps) / frames_to_count if self._dev_console is not None: self._dev_console.update(delta_time) if self._show_debug_info: self._refresh_debug_info()
[docs] def draw(self, surface: pygame.Surface): """ Draw debug info """ if self._show_debug_info: for font in self._fonts: font.draw(surface) if self._dev_console is not None: self._dev_console.draw(surface)
@staticmethod def _create_folders(): # create folders and prevent FileNotFoundError path = str(DEBUGGING_PATH) if not os.path.isdir(path + "/"): os.mkdir(path) profiling_path = str(PROFILING_PATH) if not os.path.isdir(profiling_path): os.mkdir(profiling_path + "/") logging_path = str(LOGGING_PATH) if not os.path.isdir(logging_path): os.mkdir(logging_path + "/")
[docs] def toggle_dev_console_visibility(self): if self._dev_console is None: self._dev_console = DevConsole(self._game) self._dev_console.focus() self._game.input.mode = "typing" else: self._dev_console = None self._game.input.mode = "default"
[docs] def initialise_logging(self): """ Initialise logging. """ # Logging levels: # CRITICAL - A serious error, indicating that may be unable to continue running. # ERROR - A more serious problem, has not been able to perform some function. # WARNING - An indication that something unexpected happened, but otherwise still working as expected. # INFO - Confirmation that things are working as expected. # DEBUG - Detailed information, typically of interest only when diagnosing problems # # File mode options: # 'r' - open for reading(default) # 'w' - open for writing, truncating the file first # 'x' - open for exclusive creation, failing if the file already exists # 'a' - open for writing, appending to the end of the file if it exists self.is_logging = True log_file_name = "game.log" log_level = logging.DEBUG file_mode = "w" for handler in logging.root.handlers[:]: logging.root.removeHandler(handler) # 8 adds space for 8 characters (# CRITICAL) log_format = "%(asctime)s| %(levelname)-8s| %(message)s" logging.basicConfig( filename=str(DEBUGGING_PATH / "logging" / log_file_name), filemode=file_mode, level=log_level, format=log_format, ) # format into uk time logging.Formatter.converter = time.gmtime logging.debug(f"Logging initialised.")
[docs] def kill_logging(self): """ Kill logging resources """ logging.shutdown() self.is_logging = False
def _create_profiler(self): """ Create the profiler. """ self.profiler = cProfile.Profile()
[docs] def enable_profiling(self, duration: int = INFINITE): """ Enable profiling. Create profiler if one doesnt exist """ # if we dont have a profiler create one if not self.profiler: self._create_profiler() # enable, set flag and set duration assert isinstance(self.profiler, cProfile.Profile) self.profiler.enable() self.is_profiling = True self.profile_duration_remaining = duration
[docs] def disable_profiling(self, dump_data: bool = False): """ Turn off current profiling. Dump data to file if required. """ if self.profiler: if dump_data: self._dump_profiling_data() self.profiler.disable() self.is_profiling = False
[docs] def kill_profiler(self): """ Kill profiling resource """ if self.profiler: self.disable_profiling(True) self.profiler = None
def _dump_profiling_data(self): """ Dump data to a readable file """ if not self.is_profiling: return self.profiler.create_stats() # dump the profiler stats s = io.StringIO() ps = pstats.Stats(self.profiler, stream=s).sort_stats("tottime") profiling_path = str(PROFILING_PATH) + "/" ps.dump_stats(profiling_path + "profile.dump") # convert profiling to human readable format date_and_time = datetime.datetime.utcnow() out_stream = open(profiling_path + date_and_time.strftime("%Y%m%d@%H%M") + "_" + VERSION + ".profile", "w") ps = pstats.Stats(profiling_path + "profile.dump", stream=out_stream) ps.strip_dirs().sort_stats("tottime").print_stats()
[docs] @staticmethod def performance_test( method_descs: List[str], old_methods: List[Tuple[Union[str, Callable], str]], new_methods: List[Tuple[Union[str, Callable], str]], num_runs: int = 1000, repeats: int = 3, ) -> str: """ Run performance testing on a collection of methods/functions. Returns a formatted string detailing performance of old, new and % change between them. method_descs are used as descriptions only. old_methods/new_methods expects a list of tuples that are (method_to_test, setup). Setup can be an empty string but is usually an import. Index in each list much match, i.e. method_name[0] is the alias of the methods in old_methods[0] and new_methods[0]. Outputs as "Access Trait: 0.00123 -> 0.00036(71.00033%)". example usage: method_descs = ["Set Var", "Access Skill"] old_methods = [("x = 1", ""),("library.get_skill_data('lunge')", "")] new_methods = [("x = 'one'", ""), ("library2.SKILLS.get('lunge')", "from scripts.engine import library2")] print( performance_test(method_descs, old_methods, new_methods) ) """ result = f"== Performance Test ==\n(Run {num_runs} * {repeats})" gc.disable() for x in range(0, len(method_descs)): name = method_descs[x] old = min(timeit.repeat(old_methods[x][0], setup=old_methods[x][1], number=num_runs, repeat=repeats)) new = min(timeit.repeat(new_methods[x][0], setup=new_methods[x][1], number=num_runs, repeat=repeats)) result += ( f"\n{name}: {format(old, '0.5f')} -> {format(new, '0.5f')}" f"({format(((old - new) / old) * 100, '0.2f')}%)" ) gc.enable() return result
[docs] def print_values_to_console(self): """ Print the debuggers stats. """ print(f"Avg FPS: {format(self.average_fps, '.2f')}, R_Avg: {format(self.recent_average_fps, '.2f')}")
[docs] def toggle_debug_info(self): """ Toggle whether the debug info is shown """ if self._show_debug_info: self._show_debug_info = False else: self._show_debug_info = True
def _refresh_debug_info(self): self._fonts = [] start_x = 1 start_y = 1 # FPS # TODO - add back in when working current_x = start_x current_y = start_y # current_fps = f"FPS: C={format(self.current_fps, '.2f')}, " # recent_fps = f"R_Avg={format(self.recent_average_fps, '.2f')}, " # avg_fps = f"Avg={format(self.average_fps, '.2f')}" # text = f"{current_fps}; {recent_fps};{avg_fps}" # self._fonts.append(self._game.visuals.create_font(FontType.DEFAULT, text, (current_x, current_y))) # current state current_y += 0 world = world_state = world.model.state sub_state_name = "not found" if world_state == WorldState.COMBAT: sub_state_name = elif world_state == WorldState.TRAINING: sub_state_name = elif world_state == WorldState.CHOOSE_NEXT_ROOM: sub_state_name = elif world_state == WorldState.MOVING_NEXT_ROOM: sub_state_name = "n/a" text = f"World state is [{}]; room state is [{sub_state_name}]." self._fonts.append(self._game.visual.create_font(FontType.DEFAULT, text, pygame.Vector2(current_x, current_y))) # game speed current_y += 10 game_speed = self._game.memory.game_speed text = f"Game speed = {game_speed}." self._fonts.append(self._game.visual.create_font(FontType.DEFAULT, text, pygame.Vector2(current_x, current_y)))
[docs]class Timer: """ Context manager to document program time """
[docs] def __init__(self, label=None): self.label = label self.start = None self.duration = None
def __enter__(self): self.start = time.perf_counter() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb): self.duration = time.perf_counter() - self.start if self.label: logging.debug("%s in %.2f seconds.", self.label, self.duration) else: logging.debug("took %.2f seconds.", self.duration)