
Source code for nqp.core.utility

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
import math
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar

import pygame

from nqp.core.constants import IMG_FORMATS, SceneType

    from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

_V = TypeVar("_V", int, float)  # to represent where we don't know which type is being used

__all__ = [

[docs]def swap_colour(img, old_c, new_c): img.set_colorkey(old_c) surface = img.copy() surface.fill(new_c) surface.blit(img, (0, 0)) surface.set_colorkey((0, 0, 0)) return surface
[docs]def clip(surface, x, y, x_size, y_size) -> pygame.Surface: """ Clip a subsurface from a surface. """ handle_surf = surface.copy() clip_r = pygame.Rect(x, y, x_size, y_size) handle_surf.set_clip(clip_r) image = surface.subsurface(handle_surf.get_clip()) return image.copy()
[docs]def offset(list_: List, offset_, offset_mult=1): for i, val in enumerate(list_): list_[i] += offset_[i] * offset_mult return list_
[docs]def lerp(initial_value: float, target_value: float, lerp_fraction: float) -> float: """ Linear interpolation between initial and target by amount. Fraction clamped between 0 and 1. >=0.99 is treated as 1 to handle float imprecision. """ clamped_lerp_fraction = clamp(lerp_fraction, 0, 1) if clamped_lerp_fraction >= 0.99: return target_value else: return initial_value * (1 - clamped_lerp_fraction) + target_value * clamped_lerp_fraction
[docs]def clamp(value: _V, min_value: _V, max_value: _V) -> _V: """ Return the value, clamped between min and max. """ return max(min_value, min(value, max_value))
[docs]def itr(iterable): """ An iteration tool for easy removal. """ return sorted(enumerate(iterable), reverse=True)
[docs]def scene_to_scene_type(scene) -> SceneType: """ Take a Scene and return the relevant SceneType """ from import GalleryScene from nqp.scenes.main_menu.scene import MainMenuScene from nqp.scenes.run_setup.scene import RunSetupScene from nqp.scenes.unit_data.scene import UnitDataScene from nqp.scenes.view_troupe.scene import ViewTroupeScene if type(scene) is ViewTroupeScene: scene = SceneType.VIEW_TROUPE elif type(scene) is RunSetupScene: scene = SceneType.RUN_SETUP elif type(scene) is UnitDataScene: scene = SceneType.DEV_DATA_EDITOR elif type(scene) is MainMenuScene: scene = SceneType.MAIN_MENU elif type(scene) is GalleryScene: scene = SceneType.DEV_GALLERY else: logging.error(f"scene_to_scene_type: Scene ({scene}) not found.") return scene
[docs]def next_number_in_loop(start: int, loop_size: int) -> int: if start + 1 >= loop_size: result = 0 else: result = start + 1 return result
[docs]def previous_number_in_loop(start: int, loop_size: int) -> int: """ If at max loop size, returns loop size -1. """ if start - 1 < 0: result = loop_size - 1 else: result = start - 1 return result
[docs]def grid_up(selected: int, width: int, height: int): return selected - width
[docs]def grid_down(selected: int, width: int, height: int): index = selected + width length = width * height if index >= length: index -= length return index
[docs]def grid_left(selected: int, width: int, height: int): if selected % width == 0: index = selected + width - 1 else: index = selected - 1 return index
[docs]def grid_right(selected: int, width: int, height: int): index = selected + 1 length = width * height if index % width == 0 or index >= length: index -= width return index
[docs]def distance_to(start_pos: pygame.Vector2, end_pos: pygame.Vector2) -> float: """ Find the distance to another position. """ return math.sqrt((start_pos[0] - end_pos[0]) ** 2 + (start_pos[1] - end_pos[1]) ** 2)
[docs]def angle_to(start_pos: pygame.Vector2, end_pos: pygame.Vector2) -> float: """ Find the angle to another position. """ return math.atan2(end_pos[1] - start_pos[1], end_pos[0] - start_pos[0])
[docs]def get_direction(angle: float, move_distance: float) -> pygame.Vector2: """ Find the direction based on the angle and distance """ return pygame.Vector2(math.cos(angle) * move_distance, math.sin(angle) * move_distance)
[docs]def percent_to_float(percent_string: str): """ Convert string representation of percent into a float """ return float(percent_string.strip("%")) / 100.0