from __future__ import annotations
import logging
from pathlib import Path
from typing import List
import pygame
from nqp.base_classes.resource_controller import ResourceController
from nqp.core.constants import ASSET_PATH, DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE, IMG_FORMATS
__all__ = ["ImageResourceController"]
[docs]class ImageResourceController(ResourceController):
Controls lazy loading for images
[docs] def __init__(self, image_folders: List[str]):
Initialize the super class without using weakref to avoid reloading images that don't
always keep references in the Scene and would need to reload many times. It'd be better
to use weakref but that would require images to be manually referenced at the Scene to
keep them from having to reload.
ResourceController.__init__(self, loader=self._load_image, is_weakref=False)
def _initialize_image_name_to_path_dict(self, image_folders: List[str]) -> None:
Initialize a dictionary attribute mapping each image name to its path in disk
:param image_folders: list of folders with image assets
# Convert string paths to Path objects
image_folders_paths = [Path(ASSET_PATH / image_path) for image_path in image_folders]
# Map each image name(without extension) to its file path
name_to_path = {
image_name.stem: image_path / image_name
for image_path in image_folders_paths
for image_name in image_path.iterdir()
if image_name.suffix.lower()[1:] in IMG_FORMATS
# Include the path of the image used when an image is not found
name_to_path["not_found"] = ASSET_PATH / "debug" / "image_not_found.png"
self._image_name_to_path_dict = name_to_path
def _add_blank_surface_to_cache(self) -> None:
Add the "blank" image to the cache with a blank alpha image
self._blank_surface = pygame.Surface(blank_size, pygame.SRCALPHA).convert_alpha()
if self._blank_surface.get_size() != blank_size:
self._blank_surface = pygame.transform.scale(self._blank_surface, blank_size)
self.cache["blank"] = self._blank_surface
def _load_image(self, item: str) -> pygame.Surface:
Load a new image from the passed item.
:param item: a string specifying the image's name and resolution, formatted as file@WidthxHeight,
such as town@640.0x360.0
:return: a Surface with the loaded image.
#"Loading image '{item}'")
# The image's name is before the at sign, width and height are after
name, after_at_sign = item.split("@")
Width and height are strings formatted as floats so we get each string by splitting at "x",
convert each to float then to int to later compare with the integer size of the surface
expected_size = list(map(int, map(float, after_at_sign.split("x"))))
surface = pygame.image.load(self._image_name_to_path_dict[name]).convert_alpha()
if surface.get_size() != expected_size:
logging.debug(f"Image had to be rescaled from {surface.get_size()} to {expected_size}")
surface = pygame.transform.scale(surface, expected_size)
return surface