
Source code for nqp.topography.pathfinding

from heapq import heappop, heappush, heappushpop
from typing import Any, List

[docs]class PriorityQueue: """ PriorityQueue implementation using heapq """
[docs] def __init__(self): self.elements: List[Any] = [] self._pushback = None
def __bool__(self) -> bool: if self._pushback is not None: return True return bool(self.elements)
[docs] def put(self, item, priority: float): if self._pushback is not None: heappush(self.elements, self._pushback) self._pushback = priority, item
[docs] def get(self): try: if self._pushback is None: return heappop(self.elements)[1] else: value = heappushpop(self.elements, self._pushback)[1] self._pushback = None return value except IndexError: raise IndexError("get from empty queue")
[docs]def search_terrain(terrain, start, end): """ Perform basic a* search on a Terrain - return path from ``start`` to ``end`` - ``start`` will not be included in the list - ``end`` will be the last item in the returned list - empty list will be returned if there is no path """ queue = PriorityQueue() parent = dict() cost_so_far = dict() current = None parent[start] = None cost_so_far[start] = 0 queue.put(start, 0) while queue: current = queue.get() if current == end: break for neighbor in terrain.get_exits(current): cost = cost_so_far[current] + terrain.cost(current, neighbor) if neighbor not in cost_so_far or cost < cost_so_far[neighbor]: parent[neighbor] = current cost_so_far[neighbor] = cost dist = abs(neighbor[0] - end[0]) + abs(neighbor[1] - end[1]) queue.put(neighbor, cost + dist) path = [current] while parent.get(current, None) is not None: current = parent[current] path.append(current) path.pop() path.reverse() return path