
Source code for nqp.ui_elements.generic.fancy_font

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pygame

from nqp.core.constants import ASSET_PATH, FontEffects, TEXT_FADE_IN_SPEED, TEXT_FADE_OUT_SPEED
from nqp.ui_elements.generic.font import Font

    from typing import List, Optional, Tuple

__all__ = ["FancyFont"]

[docs]class FancyFont: """ A font with effects. Use '<![font_name]>' in the text to indicate which font to use for the following characters. Fonts names are 'small', 'big' or 'red'. e.g. text='this is <!red> red'. New lines are indicated with '\\n'. """
[docs] def __init__( self, text: str, pos: pygame.Vector2, line_width: int = 0, font_effects: Optional[List[FontEffects]] = None ): # handle mutable default if font_effects is None: font_effects = [] # ensure text is a str if not isinstance(text, str): text = str(text) self.raw_text: str = text self._fonts: List[Font] = self._create_fonts() # transform text and identify where to swap _fonts. parsed_text, font_swap_markers = self._parse_text(text) self._parsed_text: str = parsed_text self.pos: pygame.Vector2 = pos self.font: Font = self._fonts[0] self.line_height: int = self.font.line_height self._line_gap: int = 5 # relative to base font height self.character_gap: int = 1 self.space_gap: int = int(self.font.letter_spacing[0] // 3 + 1) self.line_width: int = line_width self._used_width: int = 0 self._characters: List[List[Character]] = [[]] self._base_characters: List[Character] = self._create_base_characters() self._generate_characters() self._visible_range = [0, self.length] self._initial_start_char_index = 0 # can be set to negative to create a delay when being removed. self._start_char_index = self._initial_start_char_index self._end_char_index = 0 # effect flags self._fade_in = False self._fade_out = False self._process_effect_flags(font_effects) # utilise font_swap_markers self._initial_font_adjustments(parsed_text, font_swap_markers)
@property def length(self) -> int: return sum([len(line) for line in self._characters]) @property def height(self) -> int: # + 1 to add an extra line at the end to ensure it isnt clipped return ((len(self._characters) + 1) * (self.font.line_height + self._line_gap)) - self._line_gap @property def width(self) -> int: return self.get_character_width(self._characters[0])
[docs] def update(self, delta_time: float): # set visible range, determining what chars are shown self._visible_range = [int(self._start_char_index), self._end_char_index] # increment char indices start_increment = TEXT_FADE_OUT_SPEED end_increment = TEXT_FADE_IN_SPEED # if not fading in then we dont need to change the start index if self._fade_out: self._start_char_index += start_increment if self._fade_in: self._end_char_index += end_increment if self._start_char_index > self.length + 30: self._start_char_index = 0 self._end_char_index = 0 j = self._end_char_index # scale to full size self._adjust_scale(j - 20, j - 16, 1) self._adjust_scale(j - 12, j, 0.8) # fade text in self._adjust_alpha(j - 20, j - 16, 255) self._adjust_alpha(j - 16, j - 8, 100) self._adjust_alpha(j - 8, j, 40) else: self._end_char_index = self.length
[docs] def draw(self, surface: pygame.Surface): if isinstance(self.pos, tuple): breakpoint() start_x = self.pos.x start_y = self.pos.y x_offset = 0 y_offset = 0 for line in self._characters: for char in line: if (self._visible_range[0] <= char.index < self._visible_range[1]) or (char.index == -1): char.draw(surface, (start_x + x_offset, start_y + y_offset)) x_offset += char.width y_offset += self.line_height + self._line_gap x_offset = 0
[docs] def refresh(self): """ Refresh the font, restarting from the beginning with the current text. """ self._fonts: List[Font] = self._create_fonts() # transform text and identify where to swap _fonts. parsed_text, font_swap_markers = self._parse_text(self.raw_text) self._parsed_text = parsed_text self.font = self._fonts[0] self.line_height = self.font.line_height self._line_gap = 1 # relative to base font height self.character_gap = 1 self.space_gap = int(self.font.letter_spacing[0] // 3 + 1) self._used_width = 0 self._characters: List[List[Character]] = [[]] self._base_characters = self._create_base_characters() self._generate_characters() self._visible_range = [0, self.length] self._initial_start_char_index = 0 # can be set to negative to create a delay when being removed. self._start_char_index = self._initial_start_char_index self._end_char_index = 0 # utilise font_swap_markers self._initial_font_adjustments(parsed_text, font_swap_markers)
[docs] @staticmethod def get_character_width(characters: List[Character]) -> int: return sum([char.width for char in characters])
def _initial_font_adjustments(self, parsed_text: str, font_swap_markers): """ Apply the initial font adjustments based on the text returned from _parse_text. """ # utilise font_swap_markers for i in range(len(font_swap_markers)): start = font_swap_markers[i][0] font = font_swap_markers[i][1] end = len(parsed_text) + 1 if i < len(font_swap_markers) - 1: end = font_swap_markers[i + 1][0] self._adjust_font(start, end, font) def _adjust_font(self, start_index: int, end_index: int, new_font: Font): """ Adjust the font of the characters between 2 indices. """ start_index = max(0, start_index) for char in self._base_characters[start_index:end_index]: char.font = new_font char.update() self._generate_characters() def _adjust_alpha(self, start_index: int, end_index: int, new_alpha: int): """ Adjust the alpha of the characters between 2 indices. new_alpha can be between 0 and 255. """ start_index = max(0, start_index) for char in self._base_characters[start_index:end_index]: char.alpha = new_alpha char.update() self._generate_characters() def _adjust_scale(self, start_index: int, end_index: int, new_scale: float): """ Adjust the scale of the characters between 2 indices. """ start_index = max(0, start_index) for char in self._base_characters[start_index:end_index]: char.scale = new_scale char.update() self._generate_characters() def _generate_characters(self): """ Convert the text into Characters. Update _used_width and the character list. """ word = [] self._characters = [[]] self._used_width = 0 current_line_width = 0 for char in self._base_characters: add_space = False if char.character != "\n": word.append(char) if char.character in [" ", "\n"]: width = self.get_character_width(word) if self.line_width and (current_line_width + width > self.line_width): # new line self._characters.append([]) self._used_width = max(self._used_width, current_line_width) current_line_width = 0 else: add_space = True self._characters[-1] += word current_line_width += width if add_space: font = self.font if len(self._characters[-1]): font = self._characters[-1][-1].font new_space = Character(" ", font, self) self._characters[-1].append(new_space) current_line_width += new_space.width word = [] if char.character == "\n": # new line self._characters[-1] += word word = [] self._characters.append([]) current_line_width = 0 if word: self._characters[-1] += word width = self.get_character_width(word) current_line_width += width self._used_width = max(self._used_width, current_line_width) @staticmethod def _create_fonts() -> List[Font]: default_font = Font(str(ASSET_PATH / "fonts/small_font.png"), (255, 255, 255), "") big_font = Font(str(ASSET_PATH / "fonts/large_font.png"), (255, 255, 255), "") red_font = Font(str(ASSET_PATH / "fonts/small_font.png"), (255, 0, 0), "") fonts = [default_font, big_font, red_font] return fonts def _parse_text(self, text: str) -> Tuple[str, List[Tuple[int, Font]]]: """ Parse the text, extracting values from tags, and returns a transformed text and the font swap markers. Returns as (updated_text, ([font_swap_markers], Font). font_swap_markers are the indices of where the font changes. """ font_swap_markers = [] tag = "" last_start = 0 text_copy = text for i, char in enumerate(text_copy): if (tag == "") and (char == "<"): last_start = text.find("<!") tag = "<" if (tag == "<") and (char == "!"): tag = "<!" elif len(tag) > 1: tag += char if char == ">": tag_value = tag[2:-1] if tag_value == "red": tag_index = 2 elif tag_value == "big": tag_index = 1 else: # if tag_value == "small" tag_index = 0 font_swap_markers.append((last_start, self._fonts[tag_index])) pos = text.find(tag) text = text[:pos] + text[pos + len(tag) :] tag = "" return text, font_swap_markers def _process_effect_flags(self, font_effects: List[FontEffects]): """ Update the effect flags based on the FontEffects passed in. """ if FontEffects.FADE_IN in font_effects: self._fade_in = True if FontEffects.FADE_OUT in font_effects: self._fade_out = False def _create_base_characters(self) -> List[Character]: base_chars = [Character(char, self.font, self, index=i) for i, char in enumerate(self._parsed_text)] return base_chars
[docs]class Character:
[docs] def __init__(self, character, font, owning_block, index=-1): self.index = index self.character = character self.font = font self.alpha = 255 self.scale = 1 self.width = 0 self.owning_block = owning_block self.update()
[docs] def update(self): self.width = self.get_width()
def __str__(self): return "<char: " + self.character + ">" def __repr__(self): return "<char: " + self.character + ">"
[docs] def draw(self, surf, offset=(0, 0)): if self.character not in ["\n", " "]: img = self.font.letters[self.font.font_order.index(self.character)] if self.alpha != 255: img = img.copy() img.set_alpha(self.alpha) if self.scale != 1: dimensions = (int(img.get_width() * self.scale), int(img.get_height() * self.scale)) if not (dimensions[0] and dimensions[1]): return img = pygame.transform.scale(img, dimensions) vertical_shift = int((img.get_height() - self.owning_block.font.line_height) / 2) surf.blit(img, (offset[0], offset[1] - vertical_shift))
[docs] def get_width(self): if self.character == "\n": return 1 if self.character != " ": return int( (self.font.letter_spacing[self.font.font_order.index(self.character)] + self.owning_block.character_gap) * self.scale ) else: return int(self.owning_block.space_gap * self.scale)