
Source code for nqp.ui_elements.generic.ui_frame

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pygame
from pygame import SRCALPHA

from nqp.base_classes.animation import Animation
from nqp.base_classes.image import Image
from nqp.base_classes.ui_element import UIElement
from nqp.core.constants import GAP_SIZE, TextRelativePosition
from nqp.core.utility import clamp
from nqp.ui_elements.generic.fancy_font import FancyFont
from nqp.ui_elements.generic.font import Font

    from typing import Optional, Tuple, Union

    from import Game

__all__ = ["UIFrame"]

[docs]class UIFrame(UIElement): """ A complex ui element. Works as an extension of UIElement to offer more functionality within a helpful wrapper. """
[docs] def __init__( self, game: Game, pos: pygame.Vector2, font: None | Font | FancyFont = None, is_selectable: bool = False, max_width: Optional[int] = None, max_height: Optional[int] = None, image: None | Image | Animation = None, text_relative_position: TextRelativePosition = None, tooltip_key: str | None = None, ): super().__init__(game, pos, is_selectable, tooltip_key) self._image: Optional[Union[Image, Animation]] = image self._font: Optional[Union[Font, FancyFont]] = font self._max_width: Optional[int] = max_width self._max_height: Optional[int] = max_height self._text_relative_position: Optional[TextRelativePosition] = text_relative_position self._override_font_attrs() self._recalculate_size() self.update(0) # update to prevent the flash of all the text showing at the start self._rebuild_surface()
[docs] def update(self, delta_time: float): super().update(delta_time) if self.is_active: # FancyFont changes each frame so needs redrawing if isinstance(self._font, FancyFont): self._font.update(delta_time)
# N.B. Animation updates centrally so doesnt need to be updated here
[docs] def draw(self, surface: pygame.Surface): super().draw(surface) is_dirty = False redraw_font = False if self.is_active: # FancyFont changes each frame so needs redrawing if isinstance(self._font, FancyFont): is_dirty = True redraw_font = True # Animation changes each frame if isinstance(self._image, Animation): is_dirty = True # rebuild surface first if is_dirty: self._rebuild_surface() if redraw_font: self._font.draw(self.surface)
def _recalculate_size(self): image = self._image text_relative_position = self._text_relative_position font = self._font #"Recalculating size for ui_frame.") width = image_width = 0 height = image_height = 0 if image is not None: image_width = image.surface.get_width() image_height = image.surface.get_height() width += image_width height += image_height # logging.debug(f"Dimensions for image: ({image_width}, {image_height})") if font is not None: # logging.debug(f"Dimensions for font: ({font.width}, {font.height})") if text_relative_position is not None: if text_relative_position in (TextRelativePosition.ABOVE_IMAGE, TextRelativePosition.BELOW_IMAGE): height += font.height + GAP_SIZE width = max(font.width, image_width) else: width += font.width + GAP_SIZE else: width += font.width + GAP_SIZE # check which is taller, font or image if image is not None: height = max(image_height, font.height) else: # no image so take font height height += font.height # logging.debug(f"Size of gap: {GAP_SIZE}") # respect max height if self._max_height is not None: height = min(height, self._max_height) # respect max width if self._max_width is not None: width = min(width, self._max_width) # if text_relative_position: # logging.debug(f"Recalculated size ({width}, {height}) for ui_frame with {}.") # else: # logging.debug(f"Recalculated size ({width}, {height}) for ui_frame with no text relative position") self.size = pygame.Vector2(width, height) def _rebuild_surface(self): self.surface = pygame.Surface(self.size, SRCALPHA) surface = self.surface image = self._image font = self._font text_relative_position = self._text_relative_position image_position: pygame.Vector2 = pygame.Vector2(0, 0) text_position: pygame.Vector2 = pygame.Vector2(0, 0) if text_relative_position is TextRelativePosition.ABOVE_IMAGE: image_position.y += font.height elif text_relative_position is TextRelativePosition.BELOW_IMAGE: text_position.y += image.height elif text_relative_position is TextRelativePosition.RIGHT_OF_IMAGE: text_position.x += image.height elif text_relative_position is TextRelativePosition.LEFT_OF_IMAGE: image_position.x += font.width # draw image if image is not None: surface.blit(image.surface, image_position) # draw text if font is not None: # Font can be drawn once (FancyFont needs constant redrawing so is handled in the draw method) if isinstance(font, Font): font.pos.x += text_position.x font.pos.y += text_position.y font.draw(surface) def _override_font_attrs(self): """ Force the font to use the frame's pos and max sizes. """ image = self._image font = self._font if not font: return # offset for image, if there is one if image: image_width = image.surface.get_width() x = image_width + GAP_SIZE else: image_width = 0 x = 0 # update font pos (remember, this is relative to the frame) y = font.line_height // 2 font.pos = pygame.Vector2(x, y) # update font size if self._max_width is not None: new_line_width = max(self._max_width - image_width, font.line_width) else: self._recalculate_size() new_line_width = max(self.width - image_width, font.line_width) font.line_width = new_line_width # FancyFont needs to refresh if isinstance(font, FancyFont): font.refresh() pass
[docs] def set_text(self, text: str): """ Update the font text. """ font = self._font text = str(text) if isinstance(font, FancyFont): font.raw_text = text font.refresh() elif isinstance(font, Font): font.text = text self._rebuild_surface()
[docs] def add_tier_background(self, tier: int): """ Add a background to the frame, based on the tier given. Tiers can be 1-4. """ # TODO - this probably isnt approprioate here anymore and should be on a tailored uielement tier_colours = { 1: (141, 148, 150), 2: (30, 117, 54), 3: (30, 63, 117), 4: (85, 30, 117), } # normalise value tier = clamp(tier, 1, 4) # create background and blit image onto it bg = pygame.Surface(self._image.surface.get_size()) bg.fill(tier_colours[tier]) bg.blit(self._image.surface, (0, 0)) self._image = bg self._rebuild_surface()
[docs] def pause_animation(self): """ Pause the animation, if there is one """ if isinstance(self._image, Animation): self._image.pause()
[docs] def play_animation(self): """ Play the animation, if there is one """ if isinstance(self._image, Animation):
[docs] def reset_animation(self): """ Reset the animation, if there is one """ if isinstance(self._image, Animation): self._image.reset()
[docs] def stop_animation(self): """ Stop the animation, if there is one """ if isinstance(self._image, Animation): self._image.stop()