
Source code for nqp.ui_elements.generic.ui_panel

from __future__ import annotations

import logging
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pygame

from nqp.base_classes.ui_element import UIElement

    from typing import List, Union

    from nqp.core.definitions import UIElementLike
    from import Game
    from nqp.ui_elements.generic.ui_tooltip import UITooltip

__all__ = ["UIPanel"]

[docs]class UIPanel: """ A container class for UIElements. Offers support for selection management. Note that UIPanel doesnt have a position or size so one is inferred from it's contained elements. """
[docs] def __init__(self, game: Game, elements: List[UIElementLike], is_active: bool = False): self._game: Game = game self._elements: List[UIElementLike] = elements self._selected_index: int = 0 self._is_active: bool = is_active self._tooltip_ref: UITooltip | None = None # Used to keep track of the tooltip in _elements self.set_active(is_active)
[docs] def update(self, delta_time: float): for element in self._elements: element.update(delta_time) self._process_tooltip()
[docs] def draw(self, surface: pygame.Surface): for element in self._elements: element.draw(surface)
@property def is_active(self) -> bool: return self._is_active @property def selected_element(self) -> UIElement | None: for element in self._elements: if element.is_selected: return element # return self._elements[self.selected_index] return None @property def selected_index(self) -> int: return self._selected_index
[docs] def set_selected_index(self, new_index: int): """ Change selection to a given index. Note: Don't use within panel due to recursion issues. """ self.unselect_all_elements() try: self._elements[new_index].is_selected = True self._selected_index = new_index except IndexError: logging.warning( f"Tried to select index {new_index} but it exceeds number of elements " f"{len(self._elements)}. Selected first element instead." ) self.select_first_element()
[docs] def set_active(self, is_active: bool): for element in self._elements: element.set_active(is_active)
[docs] def set_selectable(self, is_selectable: bool): for element in self._elements: element.is_selectable = is_selectable
[docs] def select_first_element(self): """ Selects the first element and sets the rest to previously_selected. """ self.unselect_all_elements() if len(self._elements) > 0: self._selected_index = -1 self.select_next_element(False) else: logging.warning(f"Panel: Tried to select first element but no element to select in panel.")
[docs] def unselect_all_elements(self): """ Sets all elements is_selected to False and resets current_selected_index. """ for element in self._elements: element.is_selected = False self._selected_index = 0 self._clear_tooltip()
[docs] def select_next_element(self, play_sound: bool = True): # unselect current self._elements[self.selected_index].is_selected = False self._clear_tooltip() starting_index = self.selected_index for index in range(len(self._elements)): # increment position self._selected_index += 1 if self.selected_index > len(self._elements) - 1: self._selected_index = 0 if self._elements[self.selected_index].is_selectable: # select self._elements[self.selected_index].is_selected = True if play_sound:"standard_click") if self.selected_index == starting_index: logging.warning(f"Panel: Looped all the way back to the starting index. No others selectable.") break
[docs] def select_previous_element(self, play_sound: bool = True): # unselect current self._elements[self.selected_index].is_selected = False self._clear_tooltip() starting_index = self.selected_index for index in range(len(self._elements)): # increment position self._selected_index -= 1 if self.selected_index < 0: self._selected_index = len(self._elements) - 1 if self._elements[self.selected_index].is_selectable: # select self._elements[self.selected_index].is_selected = True if play_sound:"standard_click") if self.selected_index == starting_index: logging.debug(f"Panel: Looped all the way back to the starting index. No others selectable.") break
@property def width(self) -> int: width = 0 for element in self._elements: if element.width > width: width = element.width return width @property def height(self) -> int: height = 0 for element in self._elements: height += element.height return height @property def x(self) -> int: return self._elements[0].x @property def y(self) -> int: return self._elements[0].y def _process_tooltip(self): """ Check if tooltip is needed and create or delete as required. """ selected_element = self.selected_element if selected_element is None or not self.is_active: return if selected_element.show_tooltip and selected_element.tooltip_key is not None: if self._tooltip_ref is None: pos = pygame.Vector2(self.x + self.width + 1, self.y) from nqp.ui_elements.generic.ui_tooltip import UITooltip tooltip = UITooltip(self._game, pos, selected_element.tooltip_key) self._add_tooltip(tooltip) else: self._clear_tooltip() def _clear_tooltip(self): try: self._elements.remove(self._tooltip_ref) self._tooltip_ref = None except ValueError: # we dont care that it failed as it means there is no tooltip # but set to None just to be sure self._tooltip_ref = None def _add_tooltip(self, tooltip: UITooltip): self._tooltip_ref = tooltip self._elements.append(self._tooltip_ref)