
Source code for nqp.ui_elements.tailored.dev_console

from __future__ import annotations

import csv
import logging
import os

import pygame
import yaml

from nqp.core.constants import ASSET_PATH, DATA_PATH, Flags, SceneType, WorldState
from nqp.core.utility import scene_to_scene_type
from nqp.ui_elements.generic.ui_input_box import UIInputBox

__all__ = ["DevConsole"]

[docs]class DevConsole(UIInputBox):
[docs] def __init__(self, game): size = pygame.Vector2(100, 30) pos = pygame.Vector2(10, 10) super().__init__(game, size, pos)
[docs] def update(self, delta_time: float): super().update(delta_time) if self.focused: # pressed enter if self._game.input.states["typing_enter"]: self._game.input.states["typing_enter"] = False self._handle_dev_command() self._game.debug.toggle_dev_console_visibility()
[docs] def draw(self, surface: pygame.Surface, offset=(0, 0)): super().draw(surface)
def _handle_dev_command(self): """ Handle the command in the dev console. Expected format is "[command] [value]". """ command = self.font.text confirmation_message = "" if command[:5] == "event": event_id = command[6:] # +1 position to account for space # check active scene if (SceneType.MAIN_MENU, SceneType.RUN_SETUP) not in self._game.scene_stack: confirmation_message = self._switch_to_event(event_id) elif command[:7] == "godmode": # check active scene if SceneType.WORLD in self._game.scene_stack: confirmation_message = self._toggle_godmode() elif command[:17] == "create_unit_data": # check active scene if SceneType.MAIN_MENU in self._game.scene_stack: confirmation_message = self._add_unit_data_for_each_asset_folder() elif command[:13] == "load-unit-csv": # check active scene if self._game.main_menu in self._game.scene_stack: confirmation_message = self._load_unit_csv() elif command[:7] == "gallery": # check active scene if SceneType.MAIN_MENU in self._game.scene_stack: confirmation_message = self._switch_to_gallery() elif command[:11] == "data_editor": # check active scene if SceneType.MAIN_MENU in self._game.scene_stack: confirmation_message = self._switch_to_data_editor() elif command[:13] == "combat_result": result = command[14:] # +1 position to account for space # check active scene if SceneType.WORLD in self._game.scene_stack and == WorldState.COMBAT: confirmation_message = self._process_combat_result(result) # update result if confirmation_message != "": active_scene = self._game.scene_stack[0] active_scene.ui.set_instruction_text(confirmation_message, True) def _add_unit_data_for_each_asset_folder(self) -> str: """ Add a placeholder unit data for every unit asset folder. """ count = 0 unit_dict = list([0] logging.debug(f"Creating unit data...") for unit_name in os.listdir(ASSET_PATH / "units"): unit_data_path = DATA_PATH / "units" / unit_name # skip system files and templates if unit_name[1:] == "_": continue # check if data already exists if os.path.isfile(f"{unit_data_path}.yaml"): continue # it doesnt exist, create the data unit_dict["type"] = unit_name with open(f"{unit_data_path}.yaml", "w") as file: yaml.dump(unit_dict, file, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper) logging.debug(f"-> Created {unit_name} yaml.") count += 1 if count > 0: confirmation_message = f"{count} unit data created." else: confirmation_message = "" logging.debug(f"All required unit data created. {count} created.") return confirmation_message def _toggle_godmode(self) -> str: """ Turns godmode on or off. """ if self._game.memory.check_for_flag(Flags.GODMODE): self._game.memory.remove_flag(Flags.GODMODE) state = "off" logging.debug(f"Turned godmode off.") else: self._game.memory.add_flag(Flags.GODMODE) state = "on" logging.debug(f"Turned godmode on.") # add cheat flag if not self._game.memory.check_for_flag(Flags.CHEATED): self._game.memory.add_flag(Flags.CHEATED) confirmation_message = f"God mode turned {state}." return confirmation_message def _switch_to_event(self, event_id: str) -> str: """ Change the scene and load a specific event. """ # validate event if event_id in self._game.memory.event_deck.keys(): # load event self._game.event.load_event(event_id) self._game.event.ui.rebuild_ui() self._game.active_scene = self._game.event confirmation_message = f"Loaded event {event_id}." return confirmation_message else: logging.warning(f"DevConsole: {event_id} not found.") def _switch_to_gallery(self) -> str: self._game.dev_gallery.previous_scene_type = scene_to_scene_type(self._game.active_scene) self._game.dev_gallery.ui.rebuild_ui() self._game.active_scene = self._game.dev_gallery confirmation_message = f"Loaded gallery." return confirmation_message def _switch_to_data_editor(self): self._game.dev_unit_data.previous_scene_type = scene_to_scene_type(self._game.active_scene) self._game.dev_unit_data.ui.rebuild_ui() self._game.active_scene = self._game.dev_unit_data confirmation_message = f"Loaded data editor." return confirmation_message def _load_unit_csv(self): """ Load the unit csv into the unit data files. """ existing_units = list( num_updated = 0 num_created = 0 logging.debug(f"Loading unit csv...") # load the data with open("units.csv", "r") as csv_file: csv_reader = csv.DictReader(csv_file) for row in csv_reader: str_path = str(DATA_PATH / "units" / f"{row['type']}.yaml") # check if unit file already exists if row["type"] in existing_units: # open existing data with open(str_path, "r") as unit_data: data = yaml.load(unit_data, Loader=yaml.SafeLoader) # update data data["health"] = int(row["health"]) data["mundane_defence"] = int(row["mundane_defence"]) data["magic_defence"] = int(row["magic_defence"]) data["attack"] = int(row["attack"]) data["range"] = int(row["range"]) data["attack_speed"] = float(row["attack_speed"]) data["move_speed"] = int(row["move_speed"]) data["ammo"] = int(row["ammo"]) data["count"] = int(row["count"]) data["tier"] = int(row["tier"]) data["faction"] = str(row["faction"]) data["damage_type"] = str(row["damage_type"]) data["crit_chance"] = int(row["crit_chance"]) data["penetration"] = int(row["penetration"]) data["regen"] = int(row["regen"]) data["dodge"] = int(row["dodge"]) # delete previous file os.remove(str_path) # create new file with open(str_path, "w") as unit_data: yaml.dump(data, unit_data, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper) num_updated += 1 else: data = row.copy() # add needed values not held in csv data["size"] = 1 data["weight"] = 2 data["gold_cost"] = 0 # create new file with open(str_path, "w") as unit_data: yaml.dump(data, unit_data, Dumper=yaml.SafeDumper) num_created += 1 confirmation_message = f"Updated {num_updated} unit details and created {num_created} units. Data reloaded." logging.debug(f"-> {confirmation_message})") return confirmation_message def _process_combat_result(self, result: str) -> str: """ Set the result of the current combat. Result should be 'win' or 'lose'. """ # FIXME - combat is no longer a scene if result == "win": logging.debug(f"Skipped to combat victory.") self._game.combat.end_combat() self._game.combat.process_victory() confirmation_message = "Combat won." elif result == "lose": logging.debug(f"Skipped to combat defeat.") self._game.combat.end_combat() self._game.combat.process_defeat() confirmation_message = "Combat lost." else: confirmation_message = f"Result type ({result}) not recognised." return confirmation_message