
Source code for nqp.ui_elements.tailored.unit_stats_window

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pygame

from nqp.command.unit import Unit
from nqp.core.constants import (
from nqp.ui_elements.generic.ui_frame import UIFrame
from nqp.ui_elements.generic.ui_window import UIWindow
from nqp.world_elements.entity_components import Stats

    from import Game

__all__ = ["UnitStatsWindow"]

[docs]class UnitStatsWindow(UIWindow): """ A UIWindow designed to show the stats for a given Unit. """
[docs] def __init__(self, game: Game, pos: pygame.Vector2, unit: Unit, is_active: bool = False): size = pygame.Vector2(100, 280) super().__init__(game, WindowType.BASIC, pos, size, [], is_active) self.unit: Unit = unit self._rebuild_stat_frames()
def _rebuild_stat_frames(self): create_font = self._game.visual.create_font create_fancy_font = self._game.visual.create_fancy_font create_animation = self._game.visual.create_animation get_image = self._game.visual.get_image # positions and sizes start_x, start_y = self.pos stat_icon_size = pygame.Vector2(DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE, DEFAULT_IMAGE_SIZE) current_x = start_x + ((self.width // 2) - (stat_icon_size[0] // 2)) current_y = start_y + GAP_SIZE + 8 # draw icon unit_icon = create_animation(self.unit.type, "icon") font = create_fancy_font(self.unit.type, pygame.Vector2(0, 0)) frame = UIFrame( self._game, pygame.Vector2(current_x, current_y), image=unit_icon, font=font, text_relative_position=TextRelativePosition.BELOW_IMAGE, ) self._elements.append(frame) # increment current_x = start_x + GAP_SIZE current_y += unit_icon.height + (GAP_SIZE * 3) # draw stats stats = Stats.get_stat_names() stats.remove("weight") # remove what we dont want to show for count, stat in enumerate(stats): # recalc x and y x_mod = count % 2 # this is the rows in the col y_mod = count // 2 # must match int used for y frame_x = current_x + (x_mod * (stat_icon_size[0] + (GAP_SIZE * 3))) frame_y = current_y + (y_mod * (stat_icon_size[1] + GAP_SIZE)) # determine font to use mod_state = self.unit.get_modified_status(stat) if mod_state == StatModifiedStatus.POSITIVE: font_type = FontType.POSITIVE elif mod_state == StatModifiedStatus.POSITIVE_AND_NEGATIVE: font_type = FontType.INSTRUCTION elif mod_state == StatModifiedStatus.NEGATIVE: font_type = FontType.NEGATIVE else: font_type = FontType.DEFAULT # draw stat icon and info stat_icon = get_image(stat, stat_icon_size) font = create_font(font_type, str(getattr(self.unit, stat))) frame = UIFrame( self._game, pygame.Vector2(frame_x, frame_y), image=stat_icon, font=font, is_selectable=True, tooltip_key=stat, ) self._elements.append(frame)
[docs] def set_unit(self, unit: Unit): self.unit = unit self._rebuild_stat_frames()