
Source code for

from __future__ import annotations

from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING

import pygame
import snecs
from snecs.typedefs import EntityID

from nqp.world_elements.entity_components import Position


[docs]class Camera: """ Basic math for getting view of game world Attributes: zoom: positive numbers "zoom out", negative numbers "zoom in" * World units are equal to pixels at zoom level of 0.0 """
[docs] def __init__(self, size: pygame.Vector2): self._pos = pygame.Vector2() self._size = pygame.Vector2(size) self._target_position: Optional[pygame.Vector2] = pygame.Vector2() self._target_entity: Optional[EntityID] = None self.zoom: float = 0.0
[docs] def centre(self, pos: pygame.Vector2): """ Immediately centre the camera on a world point """ self._pos.update(pos)
[docs] def move(self, x: int = 0, y: int = 0): """ Immediately move the camera by relative amount """ self._pos.x += x self._pos.y += y
[docs] def set_target_position(self, pos: Optional[pygame.Vector2]): """ Move camera to position over time. Pass None to clear. """ if pos is None: self._target_position = pos else: self._target_position = pygame.Vector2(pos)
[docs] def set_target_entity(self, entity: Optional[EntityID]): """ Smoothly track a game entity. Pass None to clear. """ self._target_entity = entity
[docs] def get_centre(self) -> pygame.Vector2: """ Get copy of the position """ return pygame.Vector2(self._pos)
[docs] def update(self, delta_time: float): """ Update camera movements """ if self._target_entity: pos = snecs.entity_component(self._target_entity, Position) self.set_target_position(pos.pos) if self._target_position: centre = self.get_centre() offset = (self._target_position - centre) / 10 * (delta_time * 60) self.centre(centre + offset)
[docs] def render_offset(self) -> pygame.Vector2: """ Return vector for drawing offset """ return self._origin() * -1
[docs] def clamp(self, rect: pygame.Rect): """ Move camera so that it is contained in the rect Has same behaviour as `pygame.Rect.clamp` """ clamped = self.get_rect().clamp(rect) self._pos.update(
[docs] def get_size(self) -> pygame.Vector2: """ Return vector of the size after zoom is applied """ size = self._size + (self._size * self.zoom) return pygame.Vector2(round(abs(size[0])), round(abs(size[1])))
[docs] def get_rect(self) -> pygame.Rect: """ Return Pygame Rect representing the visible area of the camera """ size = self.get_size() size = round(size.x), round(size.y) pos = self._origin() return pygame.Rect(pos, size)
[docs] def reset_movement(self): """ Immediately move camera to tracked position """ if self._target_entity: pos = snecs.entity_component(self._target_entity, Position) self.set_target_position(pos.pos) if self._target_position: self.centre(self._target_position)
def _origin(self) -> pygame.Vector2: """ Return vector representing top left corner of the view """ size = self._size + (self._size * self.zoom) size.x = abs(size.x) size.y = abs(size.y) offset = self._pos - (size / 2) return pygame.Vector2(round(offset[0]), round(offset[1]))