
Source code for nqp.world_elements.projectile

from __future__ import annotations

import math
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import pygame
import snecs

from nqp.base_classes.image import Image
from nqp.core.constants import DamageType
from nqp.core.utility import angle_to
from nqp.world_elements.entity_components import Allegiance, DamageReceived, Position

    from typing import Dict, Union

    from snecs.typedefs import EntityID

    from import Game

__all__ = ["Projectile"]

[docs]class Projectile:
[docs] def __init__( self, game: Game, owner: EntityID, target: EntityID, projectile_data: Dict[str, Union[Image, int]], damage: int, damage_type: DamageType, penetration: int, is_crit: bool, ): self._game: Game = game self.owner: EntityID = owner EntityID = target self.image: Image = projectile_data["img"] self.speed: int = projectile_data["speed"] self.damage: int = damage self.damage_type: DamageType = damage_type self.penetration: int = penetration self.is_crit: bool = is_crit position = snecs.entity_component(self.owner, Position) target_pos = snecs.entity_component(target, Position) self.angle: float = angle_to(position.pos, target_pos.pos) # move base firing position towards center of entity self.pos: pygame.Vector2 = pygame.Vector2(position.x, position.y - 5) self.is_active: bool = True
[docs] def update(self, delta_time: float): try: remaining_dis = self.speed * delta_time except TypeError: # BUG: unsupported operand type(s) for *: 'dict' and 'float return while remaining_dis > 0: dis = min(remaining_dis, 4) remaining_dis -= dis self.pos = pygame.Vector2( (self.pos.x + math.cos(self.angle)) * dis, (self.pos.y + math.sin(self.angle)) * dis ) r = pygame.Rect(self.pos.x - 4, self.pos.y - 4, 8, 8) # TODO - what are these magic numbers? # check out of bounds if not self.is_active = False return for entity in team = snecs.entity_component(self.owner, Allegiance).team other_team = snecs.entity_component(entity, Allegiance).team if team != other_team: other_pos = snecs.entity_component(entity, Position) if r.collidepoint((other_pos.pos.x, other_pos.pos.y)): snecs.add_component( entity, DamageReceived(self.damage, self.damage_type, self.penetration, self.is_crit) ) self.is_active = False return
[docs] def draw(self, surf, offset: pygame.Vector2): rotated_img = pygame.transform.rotate(self.image.surface, -math.degrees(self.angle)) surf.blit( rotated_img, ( self.pos.x - rotated_img.get_width() // 2 + offset[0], self.pos.y - rotated_img.get_height() // 2 + offset[1], ), )