
Source code for nqp.effects.actions

from __future__ import annotations

import operator
from functools import partial
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING

import snecs
from snecs.typedefs import EntityID

from nqp.base_classes.stat import Stat
from nqp.core.constants import INFINITE
from nqp.core.utility import percent_to_float
from nqp.world_elements.entity_components import Stats

    from typing import List

[docs]def get_modifier(string: str): if string.endswith("%"): return partial(operator.mul, percent_to_float(string)) else: string = string.lstrip("+") return lambda x: float(string)
[docs]def new_stats_effect( stat: Stat, stats: Stats, modifier: str, ttl: float = INFINITE, ) -> EntityID: """ Apply StatsEffect to Stat Args: stat: Stat instance to modify stats: Stats Component containing ``stat`` modifier: Modifier string; "50%", "-50", "-200%", etc ttl: Time To Live """ modifier = get_modifier(modifier) from nqp.effects.effect_components import StatsEffect attrib_modifier = StatsEffect(stat, ttl) eid = snecs.new_entity((attrib_modifier, stats)) stat.apply_modifier(modifier, attrib_modifier) return eid
[docs]def apply_effects(entities: List[EntityID]): """ Enable effects for entity by checking the sentinels. Should be called whenever a new entity or sentinel is created. New entities may be created after an effect was started. This can be used to search for effects that would affect the entity and apply them. """ # TODO: get components from sentinel and batch search from nqp.world_elements.entity_components import Allegiance, Stats search_components = (Allegiance, Stats) from nqp.core.queries import sentinels_query for sentinel_eid, (sentinel,) in sentinels_query: for eid in entities: components = snecs.entity_components(eid, search_components) sentinel.maybe_apply(components[Allegiance], components[Stats])