
nqp.effects package


nqp.effects.actions module

apply_effects(entities: List[EntityID])[source]

Enable effects for entity by checking the sentinels.

Should be called whenever a new entity or sentinel is created.

New entities may be created after an effect was started. This can be used to search for effects that would affect the entity and apply them.

get_modifier(string: str)[source]
new_stats_effect(stat: nqp.base_classes.stat.Stat, stats: nqp.world_elements.entity_components.Stats, modifier: str, ttl: float = 999) int[source]

Apply StatsEffect to Stat

  • stat – Stat instance to modify

  • stats – Stats Component containing stat

  • modifier – Modifier string; “50%”, “-50”, “-200%”, etc

  • ttl – Time To Live

nqp.effects.burn module

not in design docs, just testing. maybe use later?

class OnFireStatusEffect(ttl=100)[source]

Bases: snecs.component.RegisteredComponent

class OnFireStatusProcessor[source]

Bases: nqp.base_classes.effect_processor.EffectProcessor

burning = <snecs.query.Query object>
update(time_delta: float, game: Game)[source]

Handle changes for this Processor

For example:
for eid, (burn,) in list(OnFireStatusSystem.burning):

burn.ttl -= time_delta

nqp.effects.effect_components module

class AddItemEffect(item_type: str, item_count: int, trigger=None)[source]

Bases: snecs.component.RegisteredComponent

__init__(item_type: str, item_count: int, trigger=None)[source]
classmethod from_dict(data: Dict[str, str], params: Dict[str:Any])[source]

Return new instance using data loaded from a file

class StatsEffect(stat: Any, ttl: float = 999)[source]

Bases: snecs.component.RegisteredComponent

Currently, only modifying Stats components are supported

  • stat – Stat instance on the Stats component

  • ttl – Time To Live

INFINITEnever removed

0 : runs once

> 0 : lasts X seconds

__init__(stat: Any, ttl: float = 999)[source]
class StatsEffectSentinel(target: str, unit_type: str, attribute: str, modifier: str, params: Optional[Dict[str:Any]] = None, ttl: float = 999)[source]

Bases: snecs.component.RegisteredComponent

Fancy way to search for targets of an effect

__init__(target: str, unit_type: str, attribute: str, modifier: str, params: Optional[Dict[str:Any]] = None, ttl: float = 999)[source]
classmethod from_dict(data: Dict[str, str], params: Dict)[source]

Return new instance using data loaded from a file

  • data – Dictionary of generic params, probably from a file

  • params – Dictionary of data unique to the context

For params, consider an effect which would affect the users “team”. We cannot know which team that is in the data files, since it is only known when the effect is created. So the params dictionary is required to get the team value when the effect is created. See maybe_apply.

maybe_apply(allegiance: nqp.world_elements.entity_components.Allegiance, stats: nqp.world_elements.entity_components.Stats)[source]

Match and test modifier. Apply if needed.

nqp.effects.processors module

class AddItemEffectProcessor[source]

Bases: nqp.base_classes.effect_processor.EffectProcessor

queued_items = <snecs.query.Query object>
update(time_delta: float, game: Game)[source]

Handle changes for this Processor

For example:
for eid, (burn,) in list(OnFireStatusSystem.burning):

burn.ttl -= time_delta

class EffectProcessorComponent(effect: nqp.base_classes.effect_processor.EffectProcessor)[source]

Bases: snecs.component.RegisteredComponent

__init__(effect: nqp.base_classes.effect_processor.EffectProcessor)[source]
class StatsEffectProcessor[source]

Bases: nqp.base_classes.effect_processor.EffectProcessor

Processor for Effects

  • Remove expired effects

update(time_delta: float, game: Game)[source]

Handle changes for this Processor

For example:
for eid, (burn,) in list(OnFireStatusSystem.burning):

burn.ttl -= time_delta

nqp.effects.sildreths_signature module

class SildrethsSignatureEffect(mod_amount=None)[source]

Bases: nqp.base_classes.effect_processor.EffectProcessor


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